by Warlock 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    I think that "I don't want to sit alone" crap is about as lame as they get. My answer to that: Well, if you don't want to sit alone, then just don't go! Problem solved. As for whether they miss me, I don't give a $^&@. They didn't give one when I was still going to meetings and they did their utmost to keep the opposite sex away from me, and I know that's what's waiting for me should I ever go back. I don't miss them one bit.

  • golf2

    May this great grand-dad offer a suggestion to turn this around. Invite her out to more dinners at different restaurants routinely. Go for long walks, do things she likes to do but can't due to her steadfast beliefs. You don't have to ask her directly what she likes to do but listen carefully to the things she talks about and do them. Women love surprises, like, buy her ONE flower on a routine basis. They say it's the thought that counts. So, make it count. The key thing here is do things together GRADUALLY. Break her witness habits and develop new ones. Another key here is, give it time. Use the witness method, be tactful, don't lead on what your planning to do. You'll find it interesting yourself.


  • juni

    Dang religion! I'm sure Warlock your wife is a sweet's just the JW propaganda that fills her head. Really think of it this way: She feels she is playing a part in "saving" you from death at Armageddon. Proves she loves you guy.

    I wish you and your wife peace.


  • blondie

    What would sitting with her at the meeting do any good? The WTS teaches that if your heart is not with God you will die at Armageddon regardless of the building you are in. And if the elders cared about you they would invite you for dinner or out for golf.

  • NotaNess

    When or IF you go to another meeting, just look at it as a comedy show, that you don't have to buy a ticket for, that or a horror flick, take your pick!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    My son made me realize that it was all over when he missed the memorial the first time. I just knew instinctively the game was over.

    I had to do the same before my family realized I was serious about not going. I am still waiting for all the ramifications as this was the first time I missed the memorial.

    There is just something about missing the memorial that sends the ultimate message.

    The last few meetings I was exposed to were very surreal, as one poster pointed out, but also very disturbing on a mental and emotional level. You really can't go back.

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