Adjusting well after leaving the dubs

by greendawn 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    After you left the JWs what were some milestone events that helped you adjust to normal life outside the cult eg meeting a genuinely christian group, or getting a good job with high income, marrying a nice "worldly" person.

    After leaving I had a nice girlfriend which helped a lot to ease the tensions and an interesting job where I met a lot of people and had some good social life. Soon the JW world became a distant storm far below and after the internet came out I got the long since needed information on some still outstanding issues and lost all esteem for them as I realised the FDS was definitely an elaborate con.

  • Satanus

    I'm not totally adjusted, yet. Some things that helped me along were: pentacostal churches, friends that had been through therapy, therapy, a sort of grlfriend, marijauna, meditation, alanf, an insightful employer. It seems that what i needed came to me at the right time. I think that i missed a few opportunities to make advancement, due to fear of taking risks. But, second chances came around. However, they probably were not as good as the first opportunities that were presented. It goes on.


  • greendawn

    Satanus your journey out of the dubs is an encouragement to those leaving now, you got good help from many different directions once out in the big wide world. There are many kind and understanding people out there that will be of help.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    When I left it wasn't over anything doctrinal I was a complete and total beleiver. There was no where to turn for me. My whole family were in it and I was shunned by everyone I grew up with and considered freinds. Shrinks were dicouraged by Jws. The military which might have helped or even the police force for dicipline was out of the question too for fear of further witness indignation from family and freinds. All I could do was disappear. My thinking at the time was that if god was going to destroy me and the end was going to come why get a job. My solution was to have as much fun as I possibly could and return later. I had no direction no love no support no social skills with people in the world and I became a street person. I had great potential for just about anything and it was all lost. I hate hate hate the witnesses. I have become totally anti religiuos and untrusting of anyone, got involved in drugs of all kinds, went through Phychosis, horrendous depression, have a criminal record and have slept under bridges in hostels low rent shit holes with phychoes and had many close calls on my life. I got a life sentence and I want blood. Hows that for adjustment?

  • greendawn

    Tyrone that is quite an adventure I don't know how you managed to pull through it but fortunately you did. You had to pay quite a price for escaping the cult. Losing suddenly an entire support network is not easy.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Ya sorry for sounding harsh Greendawn. My life is better now but I have lived like a hermit now for 4 years or so. I sometimes don't think people realize how bad it gets for some. From my left side of the spectrum I don'tr think most people on this board realize how bad it can get for some of us. I know there are many others like myself cuz I have seen them but they don't never get to post cuz maybe they wern't as lucky.

  • Highlander

    I agree Tryone,

    We won't ever know of the many unknown j-dubs and ex-jdubs that left before their time. I can imagine there are many x-dubs that simply disappear. An x-dub may choose

    a wrong course and lose their life, but in the end they are still a victim. Or how about a j-dub that dies in a car crash. Maybe that crash was an intentional suicide. We will never know,

    but that person, is yet another victim.

    That being said, I do hope that most if not all x-dubs are able to make a healthy transition to a 'normal' life.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Sorry for the double sentence. I'm having a bit vino right now for my frazzled nerves. It helps loosen the tongue but doesn't help my typing any.

  • hambeak

    Moved 2000 miles away from socalled friends and family and started a new life

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I feel like a poster boy victim on this board sometimes but I am not after sympathy although it is nice to be understood. I know their are others who have had it even worse than I. These are lost souls in the tally of suffereing that the watchtower has caused and most will never hear of them The watchtower must pay!

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