When someone seeks to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the only concern is whether that person has an accurate knowledge of the bible, and of what it means to be baptized.
I think the whole point is the above comment by the JW person. If a person claims to be in "the one true religion" or god's sole spirit directed channel on this earth then that person should want to TRY to answer questions.
Of course vanilla believes otherwise and is attempting to get this person to become a "free thinker" by asking tough questions. These questions might actually cause a JW to do some thinking on their own outside of WTS mind control.
The JW should not be offended by such questions, afterall, they hold "accurate knowledge",...or "the truth" and should want to share it with anyway they can.
What happens though?,...tough questions are asked,...the JW gets offended and says you need to contact a Kingdom Hall and start a bible study, please don't contact me anymore!
Notice that vanilla's personal bible study and church isn't enough.
They only way people come into the JW religion (besides born into) and have "their heart opened by Jehovah" is through indoctrination and mind control starting with the "bible studies",...which aren't bible studies at all. They are studies in JW literature. Indoctrination begins here and the mind control continues once "the study" begins going to meetings.
There is nothing wrong with asking questions and there is nothing wrong with vanilla trying to open this person's mind a bit.