I've been out a while, but I remember thinking about this as a teenager and being confused, (my mother told me I must be posessed by demons to think such things and so never offered me an explanation). What do the JWs say about it. Can anyone tell me?
If Jehovah can see into the future, he would've known what a mess he was going to make of creation so he would've decided against it before he even thought of it.
Based on the theory that he went ahead and created everything anyway, that must mean he can't see into the future.
I also seem to remember that god doesn't interfere with man, because we have free will, so all our actions are down to us and in no way "steered" or "influenced" by god.
So how can he make predictions about the future, i.e. the prophecies........specifically Judas betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. If god can't see the future, yet he could say with certainty that one of Jesus most devoted followers would betray him, identify him with a kiss, and be paid exactly 30 pieces of silver, does this mean God interfered and made Judas do this against his will?
Is this why Judas went and committed suicide when he came round from being "possessed" by god, and realising what he had done, simply couldn't live with himself?
So does God see the future or does he force the hand of innocent people to do bad things?
I'm sure this has been discussed before, and I may have the whole story wrong, but it was something I never quite got as a teenager.
Anyone offer me an explanation? Especially how the JWs deal with this question.