The subject of how ones remains are dealt with, I think, is very revealing of ones core beliefs. I've heard atheists say that under no circumstances would they want to be cremated. That, to me, is inconsistent with their proclaimed viewpoint. People with a Catholic-trained psyche want the whole enchilada, a wake, an open ornate casket, funeral service, escorted hearse and limo to the cemetery with a second graveside service and a marker. Of course their dead body must be dressed like it was going out to a nice restaurant or to a funeral.
The Egyptian pharoahs were the champs but it was very expensive and they had to deal with the construction of their tomb for 20 years before they needed it. I have left instructions for my remains to be cremated then scattered in a particular, scenic place. Even this shows some awareness of oneself after death. But I like the idea that my ashes would return to the natural elements and disappear within a few days of my death.
The above doesn't even address the ceremony and rituals that might accompany the event.
What are your wishes?