All this talk of how we "witnessed" brings back memories. When i was pioneering, there were two sisters who were pioneer "partners" and would literally, spend every day doing their magazine route. Needless to say, it became my objective to put myself in their car group every single day I was out. If they were'nt out, I wouldn't go out either. The other pioneers were notoriously gung-ho, I guess making up for the lack of zeal on the other side, making extra sure they were as effective as possible in their "ministry." For example, they instead of heading back to the hall at 11:56, they would squeeze one last door in. So, seeing as how I was the sole pioneer brother, I would try as hard as I could to finagle the car groups so I was always in the former two sister's group. If I made it, I could just kick back in the back seat, talk about my problems, drink coffee from my to-go mug, and not worry about a thing. If the latter group, well then, I had to be Johnny-on-the-spot, ready to jump out of the car at a seconds notice to grab some poor bloke on the street. As well as go to all the doors with dogs (even though I was mortally terrified of dogs [which I blame completely on pioneering and having to trespass private property continually for Jehovah]), and bust out my call book and make it look like I actually had calls to do.
My God... I don't know how I survived four long years of that nonsense. Everyday I had horrible stomach pain from my nerves, giving me the runs - every single day. I only wanted to just get through it and go back home. The first 2 years I did all I could to meet my quota of hours. The last two years I started making shit up and lied on every single god-damned time slip. Pioneering taught me how to lie on my time slips and just make up my calls, books, mag's, etc. So I did that for years afterward to keep my hours looking nice. Every once in a while I'd have about 6 months or so where I was feeling especially spiritual or something and I WOULD actually get 20+ hours every month, and have calls and so forth, but the mindlessness of it all would soon sweep in and I would lose steam and start fudging my reports.
My last 6 months of service look like this: 26 hours; 22 hours; 25 hours, 4 hours; 1 hour; zero. And that was the only time I was ever entreily honest about my hours - the last 6 months or so.