WTF are they even out in service for?

by mkr32208 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    I would often do "dummy service". That is, I would show up only to pretend to preach. I would walk back from the Kingdumb Hell (about a mile) and call that an hour of service. Or I would find a quiet street and take a walk there with a bag of literature when I know it's going to be dead, and call that an hour of service so I would be regular (ultimately I totally gave up on that; I then shredded every single one of my magazines).

    One time we went into a bookstore with pockets full of tracts to place with other customers. Instead of doing that, I would stay in areas with no traffic. I browsed through the books instead, and ultimately returned to buy the book. I placed nothing in 2 hours, but I still counted that as 2 hours of service. It was my only service that month.

    My favorite is the drive across town. We spend half an hour fighting traffic, red lights, and hunting for the street and then the house. And we get to the door and lo and behold! No one is home! And that's the only service I do all month. Zero placements, and I still placed a time slip in the box (nowadays, I have better things to do than add my one more slip toward their celebration of cresting 7 million. It will happen soon enough; I don't feel like speeding it up any).

  • poppers

    "Just because you say hi and wave it doesn't they are going to start talking to you. "........ Maybe not, but saying hello and waving are behaviors which communicate a willingness to be available for more. They disregarded that willingess, which is confusing, because JWs have a hard time finding people who are willing to listen. They totally blew any chance to recruit another drone for their collective - very unBorg-like.

  • jgnat

    I think a lot of Witnesses have entirely given up on the "world". They put in time only so that their seat on the bus is secured.

    MKR, do you have a beard?

  • zack

    "Field Service" is a joke. And with gas over 3 bucks a gallon, a more and more expensive joke.

    What, as a dub, are you going to tell people anyway? "Hi. We are here to not convert you. We are letting our light shine. If you don't

    become a JW you will be vaporized at Almight God's impending day of judgment. Please listen to us as you will be one less decomposing

    corpse to bury. Yes, we will get the burial detail causee we don't have any connections at headquarters. But it's all sacred service. Hey, you can be on

    burial detail with us and not as corpse!--- if you listen to us. May we come back next week and discuss this glorious prospect some more?"

  • Anti-Christ
    we were taught to take every opportunity to make a witness. Even a smile coming your direction would be a invite to witness,even more so a verbal statement of "Hi" or a wave! I can see a witness or two not making any contact, but a mini-van of witnesses!What is this world coming to!! lol

    Same here I was also taught to take every opportunity. and for the comment made by the other guy on him being a moron, I think by that comment I believe you were never a JW because you clearly don't get it. I've read your posts and it seems that you like to insult people.

  • BluesBrother

    It is all about counting time , and having a sociable chat with the other sisters , that's all...You have to be seen to be doing it, or you cannot be in the club , so they do - and make it as easy for themselves as they can. There are very few that really feel a zeal to actually reach out to people. Some do, I admit ....

    I can remember a time when each publisher had a personal quota to "place" 10 magazines a month. That has long gone. They have turned up , they will have some hours to report , What more do you want??

  • sexyk

    They can take their literature and shove it up their A$$.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    "Field Service" is a joke. And with gas over 3 bucks a gallon, a more and more expensive joke.

    Great line zack. When I look back on my field service days the last thing I really wanted to do was actually talk to someone. This becomes the case more and more as the 'slave' comes out with all these kookie ideas as to what the preching work actually is.

    Back in the day you actually had to convert someone as your 'letter' of recomendation. Than it became a matter of having a bible study or just placing literature. Now with them saying the preaching does not necesarily have to be done in all the earth and how just being visible is a witness unto itself, they have just gotten lazy. Maybe trifling is a better way to put it.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Yes, it is a social setting at best with those going out in field service.

    Of course, those pioneering and doing it full time are "forced" into this setting. This makes for clashes in personalities. The lowly publisher seems to get along fairly well with the others in field service due to the lack of exposure. But from my experience, the pioneers always have something to say, usually negative, about the other pioneers. It goes to show that their "forced time" with each other is wearing them out.

    I've seen pioneer alliances in my congregations, past and present. They would have clicks and would entice any new unbaptized publisher into their fold. Sometimes there would be bickering between these pioneer groups about what the other pioneers were or weren't doing.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • WTWizard

    Only $3 a gallon? In parts of Europe and Australia, and in New Zealand, Japan, and the islands off the eastern coast of Asia, gas can be as high as $8 a gallon, and even higher. Imagine what those people are paying to drive their Godmobiles around!

    And it's worse in Africa. They are often stuck with no gas to buy at any price. I don't know what they are going to do in Nigeria when they have 600,000 Witlesses scrambling around the countryside trying to keep their Godmobiles running when there is hardly any gas to buy there! I hope that causes people living there to think and ultimately stops them from getting anywhere near 600,000 publishers there. Of course that will create a smaller problem: Who is going to invest in the gas to mail 600,000 Special Blue Envelopes containing those S-77 forms?

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