As an elder (at one time), yes! In fact! We had a guy move into our congregation that later said that he had underage sex with a minor (after the Watchtower articles said such ones could not continue as elders) and turned himself in. He was removed; I believe I recall it was something he did before he became a JW. (So why is that a sin? Lawsuits? Probably!)
There was another elder in our hall who had sex with his own daughter for a number of years, and started to molest her at age 13 or so. Oh yea, he made sure he had their weekly family “Bible Study”, "field service," and of course, his follow-up on not just explaining sex, but having sex with his own daughter (wow! sex education in the JW-home!).
Sad to say, this girl's younger brothers called 911 (several times actually)! The police came out and later Child Services (in Florida, the State’s track record is abysmal)! Nothing was done for whatever reason. Of course the "elder body" found out about this, and we questioned him (the molester), but he admitted to nothing and said his boys were making it up! Of course, his boys were NOT making it up! A a later time, he was found out (by his wife). He said afterward, that he was messed up because he was molested by his uncle, who was still an elder at the time, and PO in a nearby congregation (this was the rumor I heard, and It’s probably true)! Of course, when there’s a chain of abuse, in some cases, it extends for generations! How sad, indeed!
Well, unfortunately, this is only a small taste of the abuses that I've been exposed to as an elder. If I wrote everything down on paper I’d have to write a book!
Your question is, regrettably, one of the “better” ones this time. However, it saddens me to think about the abuses and horrors that so many young-JW kids have gone through!
Interesting topic (in a twisted way), but I’m deeply saddened and depressed!
With friendly regards,