No outlet for unattractive men in this society...

by Gregor 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    a lot of women like smart men despite appearance. It is called the Marilyn Monroe syndrome.

    next time you are out look around and see all the attractive gals with not so hot guys. women can be very forgiving, if you are a good farther material. earn a decent income, etc.

    it's harder for women, body first, and mind very last.

    to me, there is nothing hotter than a guy being a father, and building a deck, or repairing something.

  • Paralipomenon

    I will agree that some of the ugliest men I know have some of the highest standards in potential partners.

    I remember working with this one guy and a girl walked by. In my eye I thought she was quite attractive and commented on it. He looks around and says:

    "She needs to lose weight, look at the size of her thighs."

    My jaw dropped. She was by all counts an average build. Average being fit. But she wasn't deathly skinny like a super model so he took exception.

    I looked at him, receding hair line, with the rest of it pulled back in a twisted messy ponytail. Ears the size of satellite dishes and a deathly pale complexion. Thought to myself "wow, you're one to talk"

    In all the time I worked with him, he never had a girlfriend, but was always hitting on women that so far out of his league.

    Sadly that attitude is far from uncommon in my experience.

  • Nowman

    I personally believe life is what you make of it. We can sit around feeling sorry for ourselves, accepting those feelings of lonliness, or we can grab the bull by the horn and make our lives better. I choose the latter. There are things we can do to improve our confidence, do it then. Embrace life, sure we are gonna have down times, but picking ourselves up from these periods will only make us stronger.


  • JH

    Why can't an unattractive man meet an unattractive female?

  • wednesday

    As someone noted, sometimes fugly guys just want to date model looking women. it could happen if you are very smart , have high income, but if not, you may have to settle for someone who looks more similar to you.

    and really, if you are a couch potato, you are probably not going to have much in common with an athlete.

    Volunteer work, joining activities, etc, all puts you in contact with people who like the same things you do.

  • nvrgnbk

    I personally believe life is what you make of it. We can sit around feeling sorry for ourselves, accepting those feelings of lonliness, or we can grab the bull by the horn and make our lives better. I choose the latter. There are things we can do to improve our confidence, do it then. Embrace life, sure we are gonna have down times, but picking ourselves up from these periods will only make us stronger.


    My point exactly Nikki. I am unattractive, but with the right combination of alcohol and elephant tranquilizer, I have been shown much kindness and generosity from lovely women.

  • Liberty

    I have a handicapped friend who has a great personality, owns his own home and vehicles, has a lot of money due to smart investments, and has a good computor based job. He makes every effort to get out and meet women but it always ends the same, the women he meets (most reject him straight up) and formulates relationships with just want to be "friends" when he finally askes them to commit to a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Most of these ladies aren't beauty queens either.

    Women don't like to admit it but they are really the unromantic and more "biologically practical" of the two sexes (note study done with very short men who were even given a great personality profile and millions of dollars and even the unattractive women wanted nothing to do with them time after time). I know of several disabled women who have gotten married to able bodied men but hardly ever the other way around. This is just the difference between men and women. Men are preprogrammed to feel compelled to defend and protect a weaker mate but to a women this thought ( of a mate smaller and weaker than themselves) is very off-putting. So my tiny handicapped friend is left with no sex and no prospects for a "normal" relationship. He is so disabled that even if he formulated a relationship with another handicapped female they would have to be assisted throughout the entire range of sex acts. They would also require double the live in staff to assist them with day to day care, hence a relationship with an able bodied woman would be more practical and financially benificial.

    He is still a virgin in his mid 30's with a normal sex drive but is left unsatisfied due to our hypocritical society. He is hesitant to go to a prostitute because the government makes it illegal, seedy, and dangerous. The same society and government which now allows every other kind of sex from drunken one night stands between strangers to sexual relationships obviously based upon nothing but fame seeking and/or gift giving, which all spread STDs and other miserys at a greater rate than prostitution. Yet, my friend can't pay a consenting professional for a service? Many women are legal "prostitutes" anyway because they only stay in sexual relationships for the material gain, expensive gifts, and/or social status but because they are not paid cash for individual sexual encounters they are left alone by the government.

    In short, I think prostitution should be 100% legal between consenting adults. We should own our bodies, not the government. People like my friend would be far better off and everyone in general could only benifit without all the hidding, guilt, and needless shame over a very natural human need. There would be less abuse of the prostitutes as well.

  • jgnat

    This is a sore point for me, because I followed all the advice and I was still twenty years' single. I involved myself in many activities, art especially. But my hobbies did not attract the sort of man I need. I resorted to a match-making service, and look how well that turned out!

  • wednesday


    Women do date and marry men with deficits and problems( look at all the women who date alcoholic's and paraplegics, convicts). actually churches are good places to find relationships . Many "church going women "will marry a man who "loves the Lord". I'm not being flippant, its is true.

  • misanthropic
    My point exactly Nikki. I am unattractive, but with the right combination of alcohol and elephant tranquilizer, I have been shown much kindness and generosity from lovely women.


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