Do you have any specific suggestions on things I could bring up with the family?Open Mind
In my review, I said: "One family member even said they are a cult, and that her grandson only
feels that he shouldn't have blood because of the religion's "pressure" upon him." Expand on that.
"Honey, what would the family do if he took the blood. They said [something to the effect that
it was his decision.]"
Try to make something of the producer being openly gay. Follow Danny Haszard's links on his
KNOCKING thread (links posted just awhile ago) to the gay exJW's site. My wife is disgusted by
gays, but I don't know how to exploit that.
The guy who joined the JW's after getting out of a concentration camp, converting from Judaism-
Ask "Why didn't he try to get his daughter while she was young and raise her as a JW?" I wouldn't
go further than that- too hard to make a point on that story.