KNOCKING is on PBS tonight- haven't decided on watching for wife's sake

by OnTheWayOut 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    His dad is the donor, because the conditions of his surgery (bloodless) prevent his eligibility to receive a liver from the database of donors. His dad and he might die on the table or afterward. Family doesn't look so normal when they place two lives in the balance over the blood issue and say "Well, there's always the resurrection."

    So instead of facing the possibility of one family member dying because of not accepting blood, this family faces the possibility of losing two members...

    The father was willing to maybe die to possibly save his son? Why couldn't the son have been willing to save his father from having to offer his life by just accepting the blood? If he died, then his father would still be alive to support the family. If he lived, then he could be repentant.

    You're right, it has to make this family look like brainwashed cult members if they're willing to let two family members die instead of one.

    If the WTS ever makes refusing/accepting whole blood transfusions a conscience matter, there are going to be lawsuits galore.

  • HappyDad

    It is showing on WQED here in the Pittsburgh area tonight and a few other times also. I have no intentions on watching it but here is the schedule for all lurkers from the western PA area. The JW's must be all "abuzz" over this "favorable" film showing how wonderful the "organization" is. Excuse me while I puke.

    Independent Lens: Knocking
    Tuesday, May 22, 10:00pm
    "Knocking" examines the Jehovah's Witness religion.
    Independent Lens: Knocking
    Thursday, May 24, 3:00am
    "Knocking" examines the Jehovah's Witness religion.
    Independent Lens: Knocking
    Thursday, May 24, 5:00am
    "Knocking" examines the Jehovah's Witness religion.

    They also had a big media function at

    Point Park University in Pittsburgh on May 7th to show this film.


  • undercover

    The PBS affliate in my area did not show "Knocking" last night.

    Not that I would have watched it...the hockey game was on. At least I won't have dub friends going all ape-shit over the cult religion being showcased on TV.

  • OnTheWayOut

    So I watched the program with the wife. She seemed apprehensive. To cover herself, she
    acted as if she fell asleep on the couch. That way, she didn't watch it if she wasn't supposed
    to watch it. Yet she listened and occasionally leaned up to see what someone looked like.

    This is stupid. If they had footage in a Kingdom Hall, it must be okay to watch. The Borg won't
    DF you for that.

    In the opening, when Joel Engardio said his mother wanted him to be a Witness, but he became
    a journalist instead, I said "I wonder why he felt he couldn't be both? Well, at least he was
    never baptized so his mother can talk with him." Silence from the wife.

    Anyway, when Seth's mother said he could choose to have blood, stating he needs a liver, and
    she would still love him the same, I said "Of course he would be asked to leave home and his
    parents would never speak to him again, but they would still love him." My wife kept her eyes
    shut, but heard me.

    Bottom line: My wife clearly is struggling with the fact that I know what I am talking about and there
    are problems with the WT organization. She just can't get out of her cult mindset, yet.

  • undercover

    Good job OTWO...

    All we can do is chip away at it, you can't force them to figure it out all at once. It's a lot to take in and it's tough to admit that maybe we were duped all that time.

  • LennyinBluemont

    In order to have an informed opinion, I purchased this exorbitantly priced dvd a few months ago and watched it, as well as all bonus materials, with the critical eye of one who was a very devoted JW for 28 years, elder and reg pio. This is pure propoganda masquerading as documentary. Why else would the financial contributors to the project (see credits at end) be long time, wealthy JWs? Just think, if you were a loyal JW worth millions, would you contribute significant funds to a project about your religion without any assurances that it would not rake up any muck from the past? Why else would the Society grant permission to film within Kingdom Halls during meetings, and interview it's members at length on film? (If you were an elder you know a letter to the elders was sent by the Society years ago forbidding all such interviews without the Society's permission.) Would the Society then take granting such permission lightly? I am quite certain there were firm written assurances in place, if not final approval of the finished cut. Why else would the Society provide access to openly filmed interviews with one of their attorneys for hours? This was a carefully orchestrated project, just like Faith on the March, to make JWs and their hierarchy appear perfectly normal and respectable segments of society. It is designed to remove the "scare" factor, and make it seem "safe" to engage JWs, let down their defenses, and open oneself to their indoctrination. As with all propaganda, great effort is made in the production to make it appear "fair and balanced", but the end result is dangerous. Don't expect to see 60 Minutes or Dateline invited to openly interview local JWs at length anytime soon. They might ask too many questions about Judicial Committees, Shunning, flip-flopping doctrines on life and death issues regarding medical treatment, alternative service or pedophilia, with the severest of penalties for those who don't conform. It's what this film ignores and carefully avoids that makes it so biased. It's like viewing the organization through a paper towel tube. Believing that this is a fair and accurate rendition of what this religion is all about, is the same as believing that there sits in Baghdad a legitimate, freely-elected sovereign government.

  • Gayle

    How is it people like Engardio and Terrence Howard who speak so highly of JW world, don't have a life style of JW, but somehow feel some sanctification because they still think it is the "truth" or a good religion. I know of a few "JWs" who have seriously broken the law, in prison, but proudly state they would never speak against the "truth" and feel some degree of sanctification about that. Funny how the WTS's "best" media advocates both have a life style that JWs condemn. I believe if someone "publicly" advocates something then put your life where your mouth is and don't be a hypocrite!

    By the way, I have the "Knocking" DVD. I would be willing to send & pay postage, only if that person would be willing to "soon" watch & send (& pay postage) forward on to anyone else that would want to see it.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    It's like viewing the organization through a paper towel tube. No, make that a toilet paper tube.

    That is a priceless quote. Thanks lenny.

    Open Mind

  • OnTheWayOut
    How is it people like Engardio and Terrence Howard who speak so highly of JW world, don't have a life
    style of JW, but somehow feel some sanctification because they still think it is the "truth" or a good religion.

    While I don't have a big problem with the documentary film, I have the same problem with the
    people involved. Joel (who I met) doesn't go out of his way to defend the Watchtower but
    won't attack it, acting as if they are just people minding their own business and sending a
    message to those who want it. If he were baptized, he wouldn't keep that tune. I said that
    he wants to be asked to make more documentary, so he's stepping carefully.

    Terrence's interview (linked on Danny Haszard's page 4 on the KNOCKING film) was
    disgusting. He is a Muslim whose entire family became JW's. He is sure that they have the
    truth, but he wasn't disciplined enough to ever become one, maybe one day. I was so
    glad that he wasn't able as host to make comments about his feelings on PBS. He's
    another one who would change his tune if he were ever baptized.

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