My Story

by Missanna 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Missanna

    ok for some reason i can't sleep tonight and feel like writing so i'm gonna tell my story of how i got to this point.

    ahhhhm. I was born into the "truth" . both of my parents were pioneers and my father was an elder. I am one of 6 kids. growing up my father was over-strict like most witness parents. But in my case my father was actually abusive physically and verbally. I didn't think anything of it because that was all i knew. and of course my father was highly favored in the congregation. I remember people calling from the congregation asking my dad for advise on how to raise their children because he was such a good father and we were so good at the meetings. he was a different man at home. i remember him choking my brothers and slapping my mom. Throwing plates at us and calling me worthless. he would tell me that i wasn't a good person in Jehovah's eyes. i've blocked a lot of my childhood as far back as i can remember i was about 10 or 11. after growing older and seeing actual happy families i realized this was not the way it should be so i talked to my mother. she told me she had gone to the elders about my fathers abuse many times and they talked to him. and i would ask... "why is he still doing it then?" she never had a good answer. I found out later that every single one of the kids had gone to the elders except for me and my younger brother. so then of course i wondered why? why is he still able serve as an elder? looking into it a little more i was told by my siblings that when they went to the elders they told them that "he was a good father and he's only trying to do the right thing. maybe you should help around the house a little more and help him out. he's a very hard working man." (he had told them that we were lazy kids) ok... so being the stupid brain washed little kid i was i thought well they must be right they're God's spokesmen after all! but little by little it got worse and nothing was done. all of us even asked my mother to devorce him and she said she couldn't because that wasn't grounds for devorce according to jehovah. so we were stuck. the elders were on dad's side and mom wasn't going to protect us. so it was really rough growing up in that house. finally after my brother got disfellowshiped my father stepped down as an elder. Then all hell broke loose. he began getting even more depressed and eventually became disabled. My father has been diagnosed with fibro mialgia, bipolar depression, a thiroid problem and diabedies. now that he was disabled my mother had to take over the business and work full time. i was about 15 when this happend. I was in 9th grade. I was in my rebelious phase. i was very very depressed. i began cutting myself. at the time i didn't know why. it just felt better than how i felt inside. i hid it very well. i also began having sex at school with guys much older than me. i thought of suicide all the time. finally my sister noticed my cuts on my arm and rist and went to my parents about it. my doctor told me to see a therapist and my parents of course went to the elders and they told them that it might not be a good idea because a therapist is only going to give me worldly advise but my doctor convinced them i needed it. so i went to a therapist and through us talking something came out. I finally told her that i had been sexually molested by my brother for 5 years. from the time i was 5 to 10. so then she of course had to ta;k to my parents and i stopped going to the therapist after that. my father decided to press charges against my brother and then we went to the elders. they told me that they wouldn't go to the police about it because it would probably get out and it could give Jehovah a bad name. But they had already gone to the police so that couldn't be helped. at that point i still was too stupid to stop and think "Wow this is really screwed up" after that i confessed all the things i had done like having sex and doing drugs. and they told me since i wasn't baptised yet it was ok and that i could just start over with a clean slate. then i started feeling really guilty for the thoughts and actions i had done and so i decided the only way to make jehovah and my parents forgive me was to do everything they wanted me to do, i at leaste owed that to them so i did... i got baptized and began pioneering. i was the young example every parent wanted their kids to turn out to be. lol then when katrina hit New Orleans people were coming through texas from the super dome and one of our elders asked us to volenteer to go to this rest stop and stand at this booth giving out watchtower and awakes. so being the little pre-missionary i was i jumped at that chance. That was the best decision of my life. Me and my mom took the 4am shift and when we got there i met this nice brother who had evacuated from new orleans. my mom was pushing me on him saying "oh what a nice looking brother... tall and handsome" I had no interest in men right now i'm gonna stay a single pioneer forever!!!! but i started talking to him and eventually he asked me for my number. so i hesitated but gave him my cell number. the next day he calls and invited me to a get together that their having at the place him and his family was staying for the storm. so me and my sister went. then he asks me if he can call me again and of course by this time i was smitten! lol ok we start really talking and getting to know each other and i could tell at first he didn't think like all the others. we started talking about the truth and for the first time i wasn't afraid to voice my concerns about it and ask my questions about it because he had been doing research and already decided to leave the wts. so i continued to do exactly what everyone thought i should until they found out i was dating this man. then everyone... and i mean EVERYONE turned against me. it was crazy. when i started to fight for my happiness everything fell apart. my dad started yelling again calling me worthless, hopeless, told me Jehovah wasn't on my side anymore, told me that i was going to be miserable for the rest of my life, he even had the balls to use what happend to me when i was younger with my brother against me. so i decided to resign as a pioneer and i moved to New Orleans. I moved here in July of 06. I never even told my parents that i have left the "truth". the months after i moved were the worst. everytime i talked to anyone in my family it would leave me curled up crying on my bed. they would say such horrible things. my mom actually told me that if i didn't change my thinking that she could not ,in good conscience, treat me like a daughter. then i just recently found out that they bailed my brother out of jail and offered for him to live with them for a while. the brother that took my inocence, ruined my childhood, and refuses to feel sorry for it. At this point i'm sorry if i sound like a bitch but i want NOTHING to do with my family. so after all that happend i started looking at different websites for support. i was so lost. i didn't know what to do and then i found this website. now i'm just now starting to put the peices together. i'm starting to heal. it feels good to get to tell my story finally without feeling guilty. so i'm gonna finally live my life for me not according to what everyone else thinks i should be. i'm gonna be happy and free and be able to think the way i want to. For the first time i have friends around me that love me for me. that's a weird feeling. i didn't know what to think at first. lol. now i see what a bad place the wts is. Meeting my husband is the best thing that ever happend to me. because of that i am free and happy now. That is the only positive thing that has turned out from me being involved with the witnesses. We just got married in Febuary. Febuary 18th to be exact. anyway thanks for reading if ,you got this far, and sorry it was so long. :)

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Great story! Good to have you with us on the board. I was your age when all hell broke loose for me too. It sounds like your gonna be ok. It's grat that you found this site. You are way ahead of the game now. Things will get better and the pain will fade. You will only become stronger. Good luck to you

  • Crumpet

    hey MissAnna - you don't sound like a bitch at all. I'm sorry for all you went through. You are lucky to have a husband who loves you and friends too - I've learnt that eventually you have to let the family go. It hurts for a long time, but concentrating on the future and building those relationships have the source of happiness rather than wishing the past could be different. It sounds like you are doing this now!

    Thanks for sharing your story. And I hope your marriage continues to be happy and fulfilling.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Wow! ((((Missanna)))

    You have been through a lot for the tender age of 19. You might as well have been writing all about me. Elder/pioneer parents. Violence and sexual abuse (stepfather, not brother). Feeling bad and wrong and worthless all the time. Cutting. Having pre-marital sex. Feeling condemned for it. Trying to redeem myself through pioneering and being super-good. I think you are my long lost inner child! I am 43 now and absolutely jealous of you! Why would I say a crazy thing like that after hearing your horror story? It's not because you are 19 and gorgeous (if that is your real age and picture). It is because you are 19 and have already figured out what it took me 25 fricken more years than you to figure out. And you have already found the courage to post your "truth" for the world to see on the internet. Kudos to you. You do not have to spend the next 25 years of your life feeling like shit and trying to make yourself feel better by being "better". I am in awe of you.

    One thing, I am curious about. How does your JW husband feel about all your past abuse and the way you now feel about the "truth"? Will he be supportive of you? Because you are absolutely, unequivocally going to need emotional support. The feelings and programming you were raised with will probably raise their ugly head more than a few times in the future. Religious, emotional, and sexual abuse and programming are not undone in a day. I married a nice JW man too. He was absolutely unequipped and unable to give me the emotional support I needed to deal with this stuff. I would suggest finding a very gentle, very supportive counselor trained in sexual abuse, child abuse and religious abuse. There are good ones out there and that was indispensable for me in my healing and moving on. Don't make the same mistake as me and wait 25 more years to get some professional support/help.

    Anyways WELCOME! and please stick around. If you need to talk ever, about absolutely anything feel free to pm me.


  • free2think

    Wow MissAnna, what a life you've had, i'm so sorry for all the horrible things that have happened to you. Some of what you've said is so similar to my own life, dad being an elder, people looking at us as the e.g and all that pressure to be good. I know what you mean too about your dad acting one way at the meetings and another at home, although i must say he wasn't as bad as how your dad acted.

    Thank you for sharing your story, I'm so glad you've finally found happiness now in your life, your husband sounds lovely.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Hi Missanna

    Thank you for sharing your story. Sorry for all the pain you have endured. Congratulations on getting married, I too was 19 when hubby and I got married, we've just celebrated our 16th anniversary. I wish you lots of love and happiness.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Thanks for your story. I am so sorry you went through so much. You're right, elders won't help when your parents don't follow the rules. You are left to survive on your own. I tried and failed myself with my father's behavior. I was lucky that my father quit and the elders stopped defending him. You will get a lot of support on this Board. Congratulations on you wedding! Your husband and friends will help give you support and strength. Love your avatar! Take care.

  • Mystery

    Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
    Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.
    Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop;
    Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.

    Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

    Believe in yourself.

    Be brave...but it’s ok to be afraid sometimes
    Study hard
    Give lots of kisses
    Laugh often
    Always try to see the glass half full
    Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless

    Take lots of naps..
    Love your friends, no matter who they are
    Take an occasional risk

    Have a little fun each’s important

    Fall in love with someone…...and say “I love you” often

    Welcome and congradulations on your new family.

  • fifi40

    Huge hugs Missanna...


  • unique1

    I am so sorry to hear that you went through all that, but am glad that you were able to come through the other side and break free. I am extremely jealous of you living in New Orleans. It is one of my favorite places.

    Congratulations on your marriage!!!

    I too would suggest seeing a counselor again for just a little bit, to still work through the emotions that you are experiencing. It will help a great deal. I know it did me.

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