My Story

by Missanna 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jschwehm

    Hi Missanna:

    I grew up in New Orleans. That was the area where I lived when I was a JW. I used to attend the East Metairie congregation many years ago.

    I have some ex-JW friends in the area that may be able to offer some support if you ever want that.

    Also, I will be giving my JW experience at a talk in Lafayette on June 4th. If you think you might want to attend, email me at [email protected] and I will give you the address for you and your hubby to come.

    Welcome to the board and thank God you are free!!!!

    Jeff Schwehm

  • skeptic1914

    WOW! I couldn't sleep and popped on here and what a great story Missanna. Thank you sharing. I love the freedom we have here to speak from our hearts and you certainly do that. I wish I had more people IRL to do that with. Best wishes Skeptic1914

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Your nightmares and other symptoms do sound like PTSD Missanna. I have some experience with this as I was diagnosed with it myself. It started the same way for me, but continued to get much worse because I didn't know what was happening and didn't get any help. I also have a nursing background and have done quite a bit of reading and research on the subject. Like I said before, if it gets worse, ask for help. You can also PM people on this board if you want to talk privately. There are some good counselors on here (Lady Lee) who have a lot of experience with religious and sexual abuse and are very supportive. You are not alone.


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Thank you for your post, I am sooo sooo happy that you are young enough to figure some things out on your own. I am glad that you found someone that has some common interest as you do. It sounds like you both helped each other out during some tough times. Glad to see you hear and it is going to be very nice to read your future post.

    If you do not like a counselor you can always find another one. Try to find someone who will listen to you and give you some really good feed back and,maybe some books to read.

  • Quandry


    Thanks for sharing your story. It is so wonderful that you now have a husband and a life away from the abuse.

    Isn't it interesting when you read many of the stories here that those who pioneered did so to try to mask horrific pain of the real life they had to lead at home and were desperately trying to make themselves feel validated by God when others would tell them that they were worthless?

    Isn't it interesting also that your father seems to be stricken with maladies common to JWs. So much pressure to make the family appear righteous in the eyes of the congregation. How would he be viewed as an elder if he could not maintain control at home and have his family serve as an example for all?

    I hope that you will take advantage of your youth and get an education.(your hubbie also) This will serve not only to help you support yourself, but to boost your self esteem. It will also keep your mind occupied so that hopefully the trauma of your childhood will be lessened.

    So glad you have found this forum and those with similar backgrounds.

    You obviously have great worth and much to add to this group. Glad to have you!!!

  • bubble

    Thanks for telling your story. I'm glad you are out of the organisation now and that you have a loving husband who knows exactly what you are going through.

    If you want nothing more to do with your family, it will be their loss and not yours. They have chosen to reject you but to support and love your paedophile brother! That really sums the jw thinking up doesn't it. You're better off without them, and besides, you have all of us now so it makes no odds.

  • bigdreaux

    hi guys, thanks for all the support. i am missanna's husband. yes, that really is her picture, yes, she really is that beautiful. :) . i just wanted to say, that the spirit of this woman is amazing. she never ceases to amaze me. her strength and determination is something i yearn for. i hope her story can help inspire other people as she has me. love ya baby.

  • bigdreaux

    hi guys, thanks for all the support. i am missanna's husband. yes, that really is her picture, yes, she really is that beautiful. :) . i just wanted to say, that the spirit of this woman is amazing. she never ceases to amaze me. her strength and determination is something i yearn for. i hope her story can help inspire other people as she has me. love ya baby.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Aww! (((Bigdreux)))

    It's just a crazy hunch, but I think you two kids are going to make it!


  • anewme

    Good story Missanna! What a lot of pain you have endured. But look at you now! With Bigdreaux by your side you have a loving friend and husband to help you. Yes, the therapy must continue. It would be nice if you could find someone who really is on your side and strengthens you. Wish you could talk to my mother in law Garden Rose who posts here. She has helped me so much and could help you too.

    You need love and lots of it Missanna! To make up for all you have suffered!
    Stay far away from the Watchtower cult and those who support it.

    You need to focus on you and your budding happy marriage and on Bigdreaux, thats it.
    Make being happy and contented your hobby. Work at it daily and soon the awful memories will change and fade as the years spent in your new security will rob them of their fierce hold on you.

    We here at JWD are very happy for you that you have succeeded in escaping the cult and an unhealthy family life. Now you can build your own home up with all the love you and Bigdreaux possess.

    Best wishes this your first year of happy family life together kids!


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