Hey Missana
I understand your misgivings on therapy, especially if you had a bad experience in the past. Trusting a therapist is crucial, and ironically, trusting anyone is one of the hardest things for someone who has been abused. You don't always get what you pay for with therapists either. More expensive is not necessarily better. I was so fortunate as to get free counseling for a year from a local agency that specialized in helping battered women but also provided counseling for survivors of child abuse. I clicked with the woman assigned to me immediately. The process of dredging up old feelings was so difficult though that I kept telling her, "I thought counselling was supposed to make you feel BETTER!" Every time I left there I felt like shit emotionally for a few days. But I kept with it. The important thing to realize is that the process can make you feel worse for awhile but the counselor should never make you feel worse or feel like shit. Mine always knew just the right thing to say to make me feel better. Trust your gut survivor instincts and you will know when you have a good one. You will just feel the genuine caring and respect. Also, you have nothing to lose. If you get a bad vibe from a therapist there is no obligation. You just walk immediately and find another until you get a good one.