If this shit goes down, Ahmadinejad will dedicate this hit song to Dubya.
If Bush Used Nuclear Weapons On Iran Should He Be Tried As A War Criminal?
by frankiespeakin 119 Replies latest jw friends
If this shit goes down, Ahmadinejad will dedicate this hit song to Dubya.
Does anyone know where I can buy a liquid proof keyboard?
Maybe dubya should perform that one for the troops?
If this shit goes down, Ahmadinejad will dedicate this hit song to Dubya.
Does anyone know where I can buy a liquid proof keyboard?Did ya like that brinjen? That Ahmadinejad is one crazy cat!
Sorry for the levity frankie!
Sometimes we need some fun to heal.
In all seriousness, I can't understand why Bush hasn't been impeached.
Now most nine year olds in the US know that the military doesn't just decide to go into a foreign country.
A nine year old also understands that it is the policy makers that decide (in this case GWB with the approval of Congress) to send the military into war.
Well I can understand why a most 9 yr olds would understand things these things as you discribe them, but hopefully as he gets older and gets more experience, that he doesn't just beleive what he's told by the political spin doctors but learns to think for himself. I think it is very important for the future survival of our species, that we learn to think for ourselves, and not be duped into blindly following leaders into M.utually A.ssured D.distruction.
Who are you?
Now most nine year olds in the US know that the military doesn't just decide to go into a foreign country.
A nine year old also understands that it is the policy makers that decide (in this case GWB with the approval of Congress) to send the military into war.
Well I can understand why a most 9 yr olds would understand things these things as you discribe them, but hopefully as he gets older and gets more experience, that he doesn't just beleive what he's told by the political spin doctors but learns to think for himself. I think it is very important for the future survival of our species, that we learn to think for ourselves, and not be duped into blindly following leaders into M.utually A.ssured D.distruction.
Why is it that you assume that nobody thinks for themselves except you? Is it possible Frankie that the people who actually get off their ass and vote, actually do think for themselves and understand that the only way to change things is through the political process? It could be said that the real lemmings are all of the potential voters that sit on the sidelines and don't make the tough decisions like who to vote for or who to support....and justify their irresponsibilty by condemning the entire system. Your not voting will do absolutely nothing. My voting has the potential to change things. Who is the lemming....the fool...???
In past elections if only 25,000 potential voters in Florida got off their ass and actually voted for a Democrat, then we wouldn't be in Iraq.
After you question authority as a 13 year old, then the next logical step is to take action as an 18 year old and make your vote count so that you don't elect those who abuse that authority.
Someone who repeats over and over to question authority, but then never takes the next step to vote is just chasing after the wind.
The lemming appears to be you Frankie....you are convinced that doing nothing and blowing hot air means something.
Why is it that you assume that nobody thinks for themselves except you? Is it possible Frankie that the people who actually get off their ass and vote, actually do think for themselves and understand that the only way to change things is through the political process?
What makes you think voting will solve our problems? What if you only have a 2 party system and niether party represents what you feel is the right course to follow? What if each side is really just like a coin with heads on both sides? Voting when you only have choice A and B is not a solution to the problem we face today it is merely of a choice between the lesser of two evils, a choice based on who's champaine speaches are the most appealing, and after A or B get elected, we find them merely empty promises, with hidden agendas.
But I will say this people do need to get invovled, and get to know the facts as best they can, to make benifical changes in the system, but realistically how many people who vote really spend that much time finding out enough to make a wise chioce so that the best person gets elected? Maybe 2%, certainly not the majority of voters, how many people realistically have the time or the resources to do such an investigation? Most get thier info from the fast food prepackaged news media, or paid for adds of polititians, the money for such adds which comes from the rich which leave them beholding to these rich who large champaign contributions.
It could be said that the real lemmings are all of the potential voters that sit on the sidelines and don't make the tough decisions like who to vote for or who to support....and justify their irresponsibilty by condemning the entire system. Your not voting will do absolutely nothing. My voting has the potential to change things. Who is the lemming....the fool...???
You make a faulty comparison of a person to a lemming for not voting, I fail to see the logical connection. How can you connect the two? I mean if a person doesn't vote for A or B, how does the metaphor of a lemming which is used to refer to people who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences fit?
Bush convicted of war crimes, in mock trial Colonel Ann Wright:
Colonel Ann Wright calls for Bushes Impeachment for a war of aggression:
Colbert impeach Bush you pussies:
Who are you?
Frankie asks....Who Are You replies
What makes you think voting will solve our problems? The fact that we live in the US where officials are elected by means of voting. This is an important point that the majority of eligible voters miss. We elect officials by voting, not by not voting.
What if you only have a 2 party system and niether party represents what you feel is the right course to follow? My philosophy is to vote for the most qualified candidate regardless of party.
What if each side is really just like a coin with heads on both sides? Again vote for the candidate who MOST represents your views.
Voting when you only have choice A and B is not a solution to the problem we face today it is merely of a choice between the lesser of two evils, a choice based on who's champaine speaches are the most appealing, and after A or B get elected, we find them merely empty promises, with hidden agendas. The right candidate makes all the difference in the world. You've answered your own question if you oppose Bush. If a miniscule amount of Florida voters would have voted for Gore instead of Bush we wouldn't be discussing Irag in these terms today.
But I will say this people do need to get invovled, and get to know the facts as best they can, to make benifical changes in the system, but realistically how many people who vote really spend that much time finding out enough to make a wise chioce so that the best person gets elected? Once a person makes a commitment to vote and make a difference, then I think they take additional time to carefully consider the candidates.
Maybe 2%, certainly not the majority of voters, how many people realistically have the time or the resources to do such an investigation? The most qualified on the Democratic side? Richardson from New Mexico. Like Libertarians? Ron Paul from Texas Looking for a Republican saviour? Fred Thompson Are you an Indepenant voter with leanings toward the right? Rudy Guiliani It is currently a pretty diverse field
Most get thier info from the fast food prepackaged news media, or paid for adds of polititians, the money for such adds which comes from the rich which leave them beholding to these rich who large champaign contributions. You can always choose to eat healthy instead of living off junk food.
It could be said that the real lemmings are all of the potential voters that sit on the sidelines and don't make the tough decisions like who to vote for or who to support....and justify their irresponsibilty by condemning the entire system. Your not voting will do absolutely nothing. My voting has the potential to change things. Who is the lemming....the fool...???
You make a faulty comparison of a person to a lemming for not voting, I fail to see the logical connection. How can you connect the two? I mean if a person doesn't vote for A or B, how does the metaphor of a lemming which is used to refer to people who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences fit? Of the 218 million or so eligible to vote in 2000, less than 50% did. Which places the majority of the eligible American voters, (those who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences) directly in your camp. You are basically just preaching to a choir of lemmings.
Joe Leiberman just said on the news that I saw this morning, that he thinks an air strike against Iran is justified and should be done. It seems like there are a few at the top who must be rolling this idea around - GB has one more year to get the ball rolling so there's still time. sammieswife.