Hey Victoria
Welcome! First I want to say it is early and the caffeine has not kicked in yet, so bear with me. I spent a bit of time in Yahoo chat last night with some active Jw's. They had the same line of reasoning that you presented. I was told that because there is a statement by the UN...and I don't have the exact quote now, but it states that being an NGO does not constitute membership in the UN. Well that is all they needed to hear. But really it goes much deeper than that. If you want to investigate information, and stop investigating when you find information that is in agreement with your thoughts, this is really not investigatting.
There are pages at the UN site that list criteria that are required to become an NGO. IF you would like I can provide the specific links to them. The first on the list of the criteria is as follows:
a) The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
Also a few last night stated that it was "just a list" containing the WTBTS name. Which IMO is hockeypucks. Why would a national organization put another national organizations name on the list of "current NGO's" if this is not the case? The DPI is not a fly by night organization that goes around for no good reason adding peoples names to their list. There is much more involved including an application and references that the org had prior involvement in the Un:
f) The NGO should have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association;
There is an entire website that discusses everything about NGO's and the DPI association with the UN. If you really want an answer you need to investigate yourself. My mothers first reaction was, "It is just a list they are on" Which appeased her mind, but it is not as simple as that. And it is far, far from the truth.
As a side note, I am glad you escaped and hope that you continue to show up here, and ask any questions you feel fit, this is an open discussion board. Moron or not, we all have stupid questions or ideas that need to be bounced off others Gush knows I do, and I am probably the biggest offender on the board.
Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins