The GB is a cloaking device for the FDS

by cultswatter 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • done4good
    The anointed as the FDS went away May 1, 2007.

    Gary, I didn't realize that was officially changed also. Dosen't that just figure...


  • bennyk

    I don't think Gary means that an official Doctrine has been stated, but rather that the last paragraphs 01. May 2007 QfR completely eviscerate the authority of any F&DS class members outside of the Governing Body.

  • done4good
    I don't think Gary means that an official Doctrine has been stated, but rather that the last paragraphs 01. May 2007 QfR completely eviscerate the authority of any F&DS class members outside of the Governing Body.

    Thanks, BennyK. That DOES figure.


  • garybuss

    bennyk wrote: "the last paragraphs 01. May 2007 QfR completely eviscerate the authority of any F&DS class members outside of the Governing Body."

    That's what I meant. Thanks BennyK. The paragraph said the microphone boy could be more spiritual than one of Jesus' brothers (anointed). Effectively, that ended the anointed as the FDS.

    The article said the FDS now takes it's directions from the Governing Body. The cart just went in front of the horse.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I always thought the GB and the FDS were one and the same. It's all WT propaganda - all the same source - a bunch of OCD old farts on a power trip - call it the FDS (I always think "feminine deodorant spray" when I see that), or the GB; it's all the same crap as far as I'm concerned.

  • R.F.

    So there really is no point of mentioning the "faithful and discreet slave" anymore in any publications. They need to just cut out the middle man and feature the Governing Body for everything.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    My guess: Watch for Jehovah's Witnesses to separate from the Watch Tower Society. The elements are all in place but the timing is still wrong.

    The Governing Body is the FDS. The anointed as the FDS went away May 1, 2007. At best the FDS is a ghost ship in the fog, you can see it in hazy outline, but there's nothing there. Never has been.

    GaryBuss- hasn't the socity already disavowed being affiliated with the JWs somehow, legally? I'm sure I read it somewhere; I think the R&F just don't quite get that - yet.

  • SirNose586
    So there really is no point of mentioning the "faithful and discreet slave" anymore in any publications. They need to just cut out the middle man and feature the Governing Body for everything.

    That could happen next year. They are making sure people say "the faithful and discreet slave and its Governing Body" right now. Then it will be easy to cut out the slave...

  • R.F.

    I concur with this possibly happening next year. I've already noticed this trend lately to the GB receiving so much glory.

  • smellsgood

    The FDS, as was in former times embodied in one man (Charles Taze Russell) with the slightly different moniker, faithful and wise servant (of course before the bizarre and strange wording of the NWT came to be.) I always thought they used it for the 144k, the GB especially. It does have a life of its own, it creates this picture in the mind of a special relationship to God, his faithful slave. It's using Jesus' parable (there isn't a man walking around claiming to be the Prodigal Son, now is there? Because its an illustration. Of course there can be manifestations characterizing this illustration in a practical way) as a power tool! It doesn't even make sense.

    Just because Charles Manson thought he was Jesus, and preached about "helter skelter" didn't make it so. It just made him a lunatic. And a murderer.

    It's absurd, when Jesus says to "become like sheep" he doesn't mean you actually sprout hooves and develop a fluffy wooly coat and become startled about everything. Its an ILLUSTRATION!

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