The GB is a cloaking device for the FDS

by cultswatter 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • writetoknow

    Well I personally associated with a number of the class called the FDS. The society at that time put a great distance beteen anyone of the anointed class and the governing body. Their belief was the collective body of anointed members on earth at any one time where the body of Christ and was the FDS. The GB represented that FDS on earth.

    Those of the anointed among the JW where never ask about anything and were viewed with great distrust by the elders. If they tried to give any imputs to the GB it would have been viewed with great distrust and lable an apostate teaching

    If one was of the anointed and lived at the headquarters then things were fine for the most part.. All those assuming the ranks of GB were hand picked and groomed over many years as any corporate office does. They wanted no disagreements. Generally the great crowd had no idea what it all meant and didn't care. And there was a power struggle going within the GB when other members were added as need.

    The GB could not allow for younger members of the anointed class because of the 1914 time line. So they started grooming members of the GC to step in and take over the GB as they died off. At one time it would have been considered disloyal for a member of the GC to take a position of one of the anointed on the GB

    It was never about using the FDS collectively as a body to gather information and feed it to others. It was about doctrine purity and goose stepping in that direction. In fact, most of those of the anointed class lived in fear of GB and the elders, I have to believe from personal experience that most of those of that class were disfellowship over the years. Which is realy sad because those that I knew personally were very spirtual people and loved God. And were in constant turmoil over the actions and teaching of the GB.

    I used to say that JW's threw the light out of the organization .

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