It's been a nine year battle, but I'm finally graduating from college with a bachelor's degree and a certificate. It's important to me that this community knows that. There are probably a lot of you here who didn't allow themselves to go to college. I was one of them too. My father told me when I decided to go full time that he would not support me in any way if I was to ignore the GBs advice about college. I endured so many hardships these past nine years. Years and tears. But I'm glad I stuck to it. I have to say, the Society is absolutely right to fear education. If you went to college and it didn't cause you to fall out of the "truth" then I hate to break it to you, but, you weren't paying attention in class. Every word you hear in college shouts "Jehovah's Witnesses are not the true religion." And if you are REALLY listening, "There's no such thing as a true religion." The entire premise is ridiculous. So, if you are out there and thinking about college - just DO IT. You will be glad you did it.
I'm graduating tommorrow
by Shawn10538 28 Replies latest jw friends
well congratulations
Congrats and good for you!!!
Congradulations on your gratuation ;)
Congratulations. I denied myself the opportunity to go to college because the end was right around the corner and I needed to put the kingdom interests first. When I realized it was all a farce, I went back as an adult. I graduated from college with a bachelor's degree 10 years after I graduated from high school. Again, congratulations. We are all very proud of you.
Congrats and way to go!
.............nine years & just a bachelors should be a damn doctor by now.............kiddin'
congrats on your stikatuity & getting your degree despite the obstacles!!
magoo-----graduate of steet u & school of hard knocks with a masters degree in living & loving life
Congrats Shawn,
Even if your father is not proud of you, we are!!!!!!
What is your degree??
drew sagan