by hawkaw 589 Replies latest watchtower scandals

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    Human Rights Committee - 4 - Press Release HR/CT/517 1670th Meeting (PM) 9 April 1998

    The Committee noted the recognition of the Sami and Roma people's rights, and commended efforts to promote racial tolerance, the safeguarding of women and children, the implementation of an Aliens Act and actions to disseminate information about the Covenant.

    While reform of the Penal Code made violations of several rights and freedoms punishable by law, the Committee was concerned that criminal law alone was not appropriate as remedy for violations of certain rights and freedoms. Other concerns included the failure to resolve issues around a proposed act to protect the people in the Sami homeland and the insufficiency of access to documents in the Sami and Roma languages. There were also concerns about continuing discrimination in gender and against minorities and immigrants.

    The Committee asked for more information concerning the law enabling trial in absentia under certain conditions and a continuing legal provision for preventive detention. The Committee suggested that Finland remove reservations to the Covenant, and that it address Committee concerns regarding protection of Swedish speaking people's rights, the rights of asylum seekers and aliens,

    and the preferential treatment given to Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Overall, the Committee recommended that Finland continue its laudable efforts to promote greater awareness of the Covenant.

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    CARMEN BERTONI (Chile) said that her country, by virtue of its Constitution, was obliged to respect life from the very start, including conception. Abortion was a difficult subject for the Government to tackle. A great deal of society was against penalization of that practice.


    Human Rights Committee - 5 - Press Release HR/CT/527 1734th Meeting (PM) 24 March 1999

    Referring to the question of blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses and discrimination against minority religions, she said that authorization was given to the doctors to do transfusions, but the sect refused because of their religion.

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    Third Committee - 9 - Press Release GA/SHC/3401 49th Meeting (PM) 22 November 1996

    be punished sufficiently as a deterrent. The abolition of the death penalty did not necessarily contribute to the enhancement of human dignity and the progressive development of human rights. On the contrary, it had preserved and safeguarded the interests of the community and society in maintaining law and order. The death penalty was the ultimate deterrent. It was only imposed for the most serious crimes such as drug trafficking. It was the sovereign right of States to determine the appropriate legal measures and penalties to combat serious crimes. Singapore did not claim universal validity for its approach, but its legal system worked in Singapore and it had no intention of changing practices that worked.

    The Special Rapporteur's interim report on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance stated Singapore had violated the rights linked to religious freedom by banning specific religious communities such as the Jehovah Witnesses, she said. The right of freedom of religion must be reconciled with the need to uphold the law of the State. The Jehovah Witness movement was not outlawed in Singapore for religious reasons, but because the movement forbad its members from serving in the National Service, thus advocating they break the law. Any group in Singapore which advocated breaking any laws would not be permitted. In Singapore, the Jehovah Witnesses enjoyed equal treatment before the law, and they were prosecuted, just like any other citizen, only if they broke the law by refusing to serve National Service. However, given the fact that the movement had been banned, it was unlawful for Jehovah Witnesses to conduct meetings or distribute materials, and a fine was imposed on those who violated the law.

  • OhHappyDay

    Translation of an official Watchtower answer written to a single witness:
    (the original will be available through Kent or Randy)

    Association of Jehovas Witnesses

    SCC 2001 Oct., 8th

    Dear Brother:

    Some days ago we received your letter in which you tell how worry you feel about something you red on an Online brochure of the United Nations, about the WTBTS of New York. So we are glad to provide some commentaries about that matter.

    Just at the beginning we want you to know that we apreciate your feelings about this matter and that you want to see Jehovahs name and the name of his earthly organization clean and holy.

    While answering your question we would like to quote something wich is said in that brochure about what it means to be an NGO. In the brochure we can read the following:

    “What is an NGO? A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group wich is organized on a local, national or international level. …NGO’s perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen’s concerns to Governments. …Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, the environment or health. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations System differs depending on their goals, their venue and their mandate.”

    As mentioned above, the goals of the NGO’s registered with the DPI differ. Some of them are registerd as Human Rights Organizations, as it happens with the WTBTS of NY. (If you take a look, the Society is listed as an NGO wich defends Human Rights). However, that doesn’t mean that it [the Society] has nonbiblical links with the UN. As told above, the kind of relationship the NGO’s have with the offices and agencies of the UN differ from one organization to another, depending of their own goals.

    So, to make it easy to understand, what happens is that since the Society wants to defend the rights of our brothers in countries where their human rights are violated, sending them medical care, food and other kind of assistance (as it happened in Ruanda and in many other countries and most recently in Georgia, where our brothers are without the most elementary human rights). For this it is necessary that the Society is registered at the UN as a Human Rights Organization.This is the only way to help our brothers, many times doing this while asking for meetings with highly positioned members of governments, embassadors and so on. However this does not mean that the Society is in any way involved politically with th UN or giving support to their political decisions. No! Jehovahs people continues to keep itself politically neutral. We are just using a right wich was given to us with the goal to –as Paul said- “go on leading a calm and quiet life wth full godly devotion and seriousness.” (1st Thimothy 2:1,2)

    In biblical times the apostel Paul used his citizenship (a right given to him by the state without demanding a political involvement in state affairs) as an argument to get a trial in the highest courts in the country giving a good testimony that way. (Acts 25:11) In the same way the WTBTS of NY is making use of a position wich the UN gives to several non governmental organizations without going against his christian neutrality. Doing this, the Organization is able to ‘defend and legally establish the good news’- Fil. 1:7.

    A similar thing happens, as an example, with the unions. A christian could, if he wished so, be associated with a union, wich would defend his rights as a worker, and he would pay his fee to the union getting benefits in case that the union would defend his rights if they would be violated. However, even if the christian could recive certain benefits while being associated with a union, he would not involve himself in the union activities, nor would he accept any position in the union and he would not involve himself in any political activity wich would violate his well trained biblical conscience. The same rule applies to this matter you asked about. The brothers are just using a right given to them by the UN when they got registered as a NGO defending Human Rights. So they can better assist the interests of our brothers and take care that their voice is heard in the highest levels of governments (as Paul did) without at any time being involved or giving any kind of support to the “biest” of Revelation.

    So we apreciate your feelings but you can be assured that the WTBTS of NY is keeping his strict neutrality in political questions, while not getting involved with anything wich is non biblical nor giving any support to the “biest”.

    We hope that this information will be helpful for you, brother, and that it may have cleared evreything about this matter wich made you feel worry. Without any other issue at this time we close this letter and use the oportunity to send you our christian love.

    Your brothers,

    Association of Jehovahs Witnesses

  • Pathofthorns

    This letter is facinating and useful. The response is likely before the official reply came down from Brooklyn and could be a headache for Brooklyn.

    This is a much more practical reply, and probably more honest. I think however, they realize this argument poses more problems for them than does the library card explanation.

    I look forward to the scan of the original being posted. Thanks.


  • Tatiana
    So, to make it easy to understand, what happens is that since the Society wants to defend the rights of our brothers in countries where their human rights are violated, sending them medical care, food and other kind of assistance (as it happened in Ruanda and in many other countries and most recently in Georgia, where our brothers are without the most elementary human rights). For this it is necessary that the Society is registered at the UN as a Human Rights Organization.This is the only way to help our brothers, many times doing this while asking for meetings with highly positioned members of governments, embassadors and so on.

    Seems to me if this was truly the case, an announcement would have been made in the Watchtower at the time the WTBTS signed up. If, as they say, the joining was to stand up for all brothers and sisters human rights, it should have been loudly proclaimed as a "good" and necessary cause ten years ago.

    This letter "smells"!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • ashitaka

    Thank you , Oh happy day! Very cool.. ....there might be a nice reaction to this one.


  • chasson

    Hi Happy day,

    Great letter, do you have the scan ?



  • OhHappyDay

    the scan was sent to Kent

  • conflicted
    A similar thing happens, as an example, with the unions. A christian could, if he wished so, be associated with a union, wich would defend his rights as a worker, and he would pay his fee to the union getting benefits in case that the union would defend his rights if they would be violated. However, even if the christian could recive certain benefits while being associated with a union, he would not involve himself in the union activities, nor would he accept any position in the union and he would not involve himself in any political activity wich would violate his well trained biblical conscience.

    This is a good analogy, except that to join a union you don't have to agree to support the charter of the 'scarlet beast'. Unfortunately (for the WTBS), they DID agree to support the charter of the UN to be a DPO. This point has been documented over and over again. Sorry boys, nice try but you lose again.

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