Move to another place far away where no one knows you were ever a JW. It worked well for me. If you can't (or think you can't) do that, change your address and get an unlisted phone number, get a different job and don't let any of them know. If you happen to run into a JW acquaintance, tell them you are ill with chronic fatigue syndrome or some other invisible illness, and stay as far away as you can. Otherwise, take the direct approach, and tell them you no longer wish to be considered a JW.
A nice JW grandmother carrying a darling baby just knocked on my door to invite me to the District Convention. I didn't take the tract. Maybe I should have. Anyway, I love meeting a JW face to face like this. She acted extremely sweet and kind. If only she knew she was kind to an "apostate." I am rarely visited by JW's, but since I am retired and at home more often, maybe that will change.