I simply ran out of reasons to think they were so different from the other religions that they criticize.
Why did you leave the org?
by A-Team 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brain Dead
I realized that everyone was brain dead and I was fearful of losing mine...........
Well actually I realized that the so called spiritually inspired ones from god's only voice on earth were nothing more than corrupt asses looking for power.... that was their only agenda
Oh yeah too many prayer farts, even in a congregation of almost 200 I was always standing next to someone who had to let one go during prayer, there should have been a talk on flatulence
became seriously depressed and just gave up on it all. Later when I felt better, realized what a mind-controlling group it is. And realized that I never did believe any of it - I was just raised in the org. and never thought about it. Also, stunningly outrageous gossips - unbelievable how much I was betrayed by, yes, elders' wives.
As a JW, I was trained to have a good conscience. After I was falsely accused of some disgusting things. The gossip was unbearable. My bible trained conscience told me to leave fast, and never look back.
Starting to fade now. A MS and pioneer but never really bought into the borg. Just going through the motions and hope that one day they will delete me off the list of MS. I had enough of the elders trying to ruin my life and spreading lies about my personal life. My personal life is personal and these uneducated drone elders are slandering me and ruining my reputation. Beginning to see how the WTS is nothing more than a stupid mind-controlling cult. I got post secondary education and able to think, its something elders are afraid of.
Brain Dead
Jehovah told me to leave or was it the other guy Satan, jeez I can't remember, well anyways it was one of those dudes
I just stopped attending. Can't really say why but it felt good, to get some sense of having a life. So I continued to stay away from the KH, didn't go witnessing either. The elders obviously didn't miss me, they paid me a visit after a few months to inform me I'd been seen buying cigarattes (I'd been smoking for a couple of years at that stage but they didn't know that). The more I stayed away, the more I was able to think. The more I was able to think the less I wanted to go back.
Wow Wow Wow! An extremely long story. I will give you the "Cliff's notes" version.
I developed a drinking problem trying to assimilate "Spiritual Food" (arsenic doesn't sit well in the tummy, even with KoolAid.) I was df'd once because of this problem for a couple of years, then found help through a 12-step program. I worked to get reinstated after a period of recovery, but the EldersTM, thought that I should get my help through the Congo. They strongly discouraged participation in my recovery group, and said that I needed to become a Spiritual ManTM.
I got reinstated, and eventually got drunk agaiin. They, of course, disfellowshipped my ass, after lying to me about another judicial matter that really f'd me up in the head (This is a whole chapter by itself).
Then, with my tail between my legs, I found out about the UN scandal! It really peaved me off. For the GB to take the moral high ground about a weakness of the flesh, a disease; and then be able to whore itself out like it did to the UN, proved to me that they were just as bad as any other religion on the face of the earth.
That was the break that I needed to recover. If I ever become a part of organized religion again, I would have to start my own church. (DON'T BET ON IT) !
They passed away and so did I.
Liars will not inherit Gods Kingdom!
Welcome icyestrm, good luck on the fade, you will find much useful information on this site. I found it AFTER i faded, wish i'd found it before.