A&W type how you like you rebel you....he he
Why did you leave the org?
by A-Team 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Should I be at all concerned that I immediately submitted to your suggestion of a different typing style?
Just kidding. You'll fit in well here. Have a brain? Check. Use it? Check. Yup. You passed with flying colors.
Here's one of my favorite reads:Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults, and Millenial Beliefs Through the Ages
I also really enjoyed The End of Faith by Sam Harris.
Keep reading. We were programmed. Now we must deprogram.
Welcome, A&W, icy, and others.
Here are a few book titles I have found enlightening, some by ex JW's, some not. I would list the authors, too, but I can't remember them all.
Your Erroneous Zones (by Dr. Wayne Dyer) - the one that gave me the courage to think for myself
Ten Days to Self Esteem - the one that will help you stop seeing yourself as worthless
The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses (by Gary and Heather Botting) - shows how the WT org functions like the police state in George Orwell's novel 1984
The True Believer (by Eric Hoffer) - explains the reasons people get caught up in cults and other collective mentality movements
Church History in Plain Language - learn about the real roots and progress (if that's what it's called) of Christianity
Please Understand Me (by Kiersey & Bates) - the sixteen types of people and how they handle life's difficulties, relate to others, do business, etc.
Happy reading!
Mr. & Mrs. Flipper want to welcome icestrm and awake & watching to JWD. You won't regret it one bit. There are alot of caring , genuine people on this board who have gone through many of the things you folks have gone through. So take courage, you are among friends who care, as Dave mentioned welcome to the rest of your life, and although it is a cliche, today is always the first day of the rest of your life. Be happy the light has turned on for you when it has, imagine we all could have been ninety when the light came on!! Don't want to go there!! As for me Mr. Flipper, I was raised in the alleged "truth" from birth. Got out at 43, 4 years ago. Same thing affected my decision as others have said, unloving elders who were accusing me falsely, yet feigning interest when nothing was at stake. Hypocrisy in beliefs. Also, didn't they say in 1925 or whatever, "millions now living will never die"? I think they are all dead now so they don't have to worry about answering to all the pissed off people who inherited that line as years went by. And finally as you have been aware of the child molestation coverup lately, it just solidifies in our minds we have all made the right decision for the protection of our families against mind disabling cultish control which would do us harm. So wecome all newbies on here if I missed anybody, may you have peace in your lives, all of you. Mr.& Mrs. Flipper.
Huge problem with their blood doctrine, hypocracy and the Revelation book madness. Also that I never really believed that some loving old geezer in the sky could watch all of us confused people crying and dying and not do anything to give us a clue what the fuck this was all for. GBL
I got tired of going out in service and watching everything good getting methodically pruned from my life.
Well said. I was getting tired of living in a tiny apartment with my wife, working to support her while she pioneered and constantly getting criticized for not doing enough. I was tired of being cautioned about the "secular" books on my bookshelf. Tired of "motivational" C.O. talks that told me if I didn't informally witness at every possible opportunity I'd wind up fodder for birds being stepped over by the righteous ones heading into the new system. Tired of Watchtower study articles telling me to always direct conversations back to Watchtower study articles. Tired of seeing injustice in the local congregation and the organization as a whole but being told to hush because I "don't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name." Tired of being spoonfed my world view. Tired of being intellectually lazy. Just tired of the bullsh*t.
It all started when I took an English class in college and the teacher had us write about a controversial subject. I chose the blood issue. I was informed a week after the paper was due that I then had to write about the same subject, but from the opposite point of view. So I had to look up a ton of information on the blood issue on the internet. The lies the society has told were all revealed to me at that point. That was the first dominoe.
Welcome awake and watching! I can't wait to see another post from you that says how for the first time in your life you are really living and doing what you want.
Thank you for all the welcomes I have been lurking here for the past few months observing how many of you have broken free. Its such a inspiration to me to not keep silent anymore and voice my anger at a decade of being in this destructive cult. Thanks for the listening ears.
Most people who are Witness's unless they have been shunned, have no idea what it is like, and its affect on people, I seen how they have taken over peoples own god given conscious which is just plain wrong for them to do. For me I seen over the passage of time, the teachings are very much contingent on the governing body using cult like mind control tactics, on unsuspecting good hearted folks. I now belong to the "Assosiated Bible Students" and wish I as well as all my brothers and sisters in my family would have been all along. http://www.biblestudents.net/food4jws/wt_history/