a couple months ago my jw mom told me that in all the book study groups for their congregation they were told to go out and by emergency kits because "things were getting so bad". i restrained myself from rolling my eyes. has anyone else heard of this happening?
Told To Buy Emergency Kits ...Ever Heard of This?
by TheKings 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i make emergency kits every year...for hurricanes. why would witnesses need them? wouldn't jehovah provide for "his people" during armageddon?
Before 1975 and obviously high on underarm deodorant and hair spray, these fully grown and 8th grade educated Witness men, bought a huge electric generator and had plans to hook it up to run one of the shopping centers in Minneapolis to use as a Jehovah's Witnesses only Red Cross type shelter for after Armageddon survivors.
These guys have always been paranoid and delusional and they think anybody who's not, is crazy. -
On this forum several people posted that a letter was read at the Service Meeting a year or so ago that witnesses should buy emergency supplies in case of a disaster. This was precipitated by Hurricane Katrina. I would have loved to see a scan of that letter because in the 50 years that I was part of the organization I never heard of such a thing. We were always supposed to "trust in Jehovah." Putting emergency kits together could have been construed as a lack of confidence in his ability to protect.
If anybody has a copy of this letter, would you please post it?
yeah, while i think it's a good idea to have an emerency kit aorund, the only reason they did do it was because of the paranoia being instilled in them. it reminds me of the that Y2K business when i had a teacher in junior high telling us to store water and food supplies. lol :P
Before 1975 and obviously high on underarm deodorant and hair spray, these fully grown and 8th grade educated Witness men, bought a huge electric generator and had plans to hook it up to run one of the shopping centers in Minneapolis to use as a Jehovah's Witnesses only Red Cross type shelter for after Armageddon survivors.
Gary, Are you serious?
This is so funny !!
Do you have any (written) proof?
This would be as good as Beth-Sarim.
Darth Yhwh
Yeah, my mom was spouting off some nonsence last summer regarding how the "Society" was recommending that good little JDubs stock up on necessities. After I got past my initial reaction and swallowed the vomit and bile that had found it's way into my mouth, I realized that perhaps my mother and the heavenly appointed governing body was on to something. So.....I went out and bought one of these for just such a life or death survival type situation.
Not to mention you never know when some "government knows what's best for you" senator is going to introduce an unconstitutional bill to the house restricting my liberty.
oh, that's nice, yhwh ... does it come in silver do you think? *touch* ...> back on topic: it's all about feeding the illusion of imminence.
actually, i was still going to meetings when hurricane katrina hit. it was weird that the local needs the week before katrina hit was "what to do in case a hurricane hits" of course, it was a shot in the dark and they got lucky, but this did happen.
hey might have had a talk about hurricanes because it was hurricane season?