I watched a hypnosis show and it was one of the things which made me realize the true nature of 'the truth'. If you can convince someone that they are Elvis, just by talking to them for a few minutes, then how much more effective are meetings etc going to be, when there is no letup at all, from the day that you were born, telling you the same untruths over and over again. By the way, I don't think hypnosis is demonic or opens you up to demons. Truly I tell you today, it's all in your mind.
hypnosys experience?
by Hermano 44 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks Missanna. I've had some weird things happens to me too. I think demons exist too. Maybe they only mess with certain personality types...
I think like with so many other things the borg takes the whole demon thing way too far. I can understand not going to a medium, but I've heard the stories about the smurfs and that just does not make any sense.
I have never used hypnosis but know a psychologist that uses it regularly to help people overcome addictions such as to cigarettes. There has never been any suggestion by him of clients have demon trouble afterward.
There is nothing special about hypnosis. We all self-hypnotise constantly, a common situation being whilst watching tv. Hypnotism is when a person is in a form of trance. The danger of hypnotism is not demonism, but that our conscious thinking ability is bypassed and so people become more susceptible to suggestion by others.
It is interesting that the boring repetitiveness of meetings can put people into a light hypnotic trance state, hence information being delivered is accepted as truth without critical evaluation. Though I think the Watchtower writers actually believe that being hypnotised can lead to demon attacks, a more real reason the Watchtower is scared of hypnotism is that the hpnotist is in a powerful position to help change another persons beliefs.
If you can convince someone that they are Elvis, just by talking to them for a few minutes, then how much more effective are meetings etc going to be, when there is no letup at all
Truly I tell you today, it's all in your mind.
Yeah, imagine if all those meetings had a more positive message to them, like you are good enough, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, believe in yourself, instead of all the negativity, i.e.: We are really not worthy of everlasting life, Don't trust your own understanding, etc.
Hello Hermano and welcome.
The only "suggestions" that come into your mind through hypnosis would be from the person hypnotizing you. If that person is someone to be trusted--such as a qualified psychologist, etc, then you would have nothing to fear.
Convincing the JW members that demons are literally everywhere, waiting to take over our minds and lives, is nothing more than hypnosis itself. While I'm not certain of all of the "life forms" floating about in the ether, I reserve my fears for flesh and bone evildoers, such as muggers, child molestors, murderers, and so on.
You should read The Demon Haunted World--Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan. I heartily reccomend that book to anyone who has spent their life being "hypnotized" into believing that Satan and the Demons are just waiting to pounce and gobble us alive.
Welcome, Hermano.
if there is a God then there can be a devil. If there are angels then there can be demons....
It seems the smaller our idea of "God", the larger the sphere of "evil". But why assume that the Source of an infinite universe is less, and just a mere fragment or character within that universe? Why attribute such endlessly vast wonder to something small? Who are we to do that?
It's 2007, and it may be time to leave narrow tribal beliefs behind.
No offence meant, Hermano. Just speaking my general feelings on the subject. I need to hear it as much as anyone.
There is nothing special about hypnosis. We all self-hypnotise constantly, a common situation being whilst watching tv. Hypnotism is when a person is in a form of trance.
Yes, jwfacts I have read that as well. But there are different trance levels. I've been hypnotised many times in the past and sometimes I could remember the whole session afterwards and other times I could not. It was almost like I reached a point in the session in which I blacked out and when I came to is when the session was ending. And maybe some people just cant reach that deeper level. Maybe those that do reach that deeper level open up their minds to a spiritual realm....
Convincing the JW members that demons are literally everywhere, waiting to take over our minds and lives, is nothing more than hypnosis itself.
I agree with this Threestars. And I think that that is a big part of the Watchtower's problem with most of their teachings. In my opinion they exagerate and it ends up backfiring on them because people who are real truth-seekers dont respond well to exagerations from a source who claims they have The Truth. Certainly demons are not literally everywhere waiting to posses us, but that does not mean that they do not exist and cannot cause us trouble.
It seems the smaller our idea of "God", the larger the sphere of "evil". But why assume that the Source of an infinite universe is less, and just a mere fragment or character within that universe? Why attribute such endlessly vast wonder to something small? Who are we to do that?
I'm not sure I understood you. Are saying that maybe God is both the good and evil?
No offence meant, Hermano.
None taken JamesThomas. One of the reasons why I dropped out of the Witnesses is because I consider myself a truth-seeker. I dont understand people that seem to hold on to beliefs simply because that is what they've always beleived. By the same token we are taking about things that are difficult to prove or disprove, so we cant be too dogmatic about our opinions. I will pray to the tribal gods on your behalf, that your blasphemy may be forgiven.
Thank you for your prayers, Hermano. While you're at it ask them to send a little nooky my way.
I'm not sure I understood you. Are saying that maybe God is both the good and evil?
What I am saying is that perhaps the only limits or boundaries to the Divine is in our heads. Why reduce our Source (call it God, if you like) down to an entity which is living, when it could just as easily be Life itself? Why shrink the Divine (our ultimate significance) down to a fragment or piece of existence, when it could just as easily -- and more importantly -- be the entirety of Existence itself?
Why unquestionably accept an old book (the Bible) that diminishes the Divine to some other time, place or thing? Why not open to the placement of God in the only reality there is: here and now...and the vibrant and intimate consciousness which beholds it all?
I understand this is a major paradigm shift, but why not open to such a shift? Why not step out of archaic tribal beliefs that present our ultimate significance as something absent? Why not bring the Divine into the present? The old way is not working. Perhaps it is time to awaken to what is really here when constricted and limited beliefs in "self" and universe are absent.