I once looked into the eyes of a reptilian....when I woke up I was married to her daughter....damn mother in law
hypnosys experience?
by Hermano 44 Replies latest jw experiences
i was not able to get into the hypnotic fugue..tried a few,well,several different hypnotists..nada...but i hear it does wrok for some..or so they say..
Also, and I hate to sound like I just read this in a Watchtower mag, if there is a God then there can be a devil. If there are angels then there can be demons....
That's a lot of if's, and it's also a lot of vast assumptions.
I am open to the idea of god, but I need some evidence, and there just doens't seem to be any. What kind of parent always remains hidden form their children? And then sends an instruction manual that people the world over interprete in vastly different ways? An instruction manual to put together a complicated machine, can be written in english, then translated to Japanese, and the Japanese techs can put together the machine, no problem. Why can't the allmighty creater of the universe, write a manual that everyone can agree on? Us humans can.
And please, please consider all the things that have been blamed on demons throughout histery, things that are now easily explained by science, such as epilytic seizures. People blame demons when they don't understand something, they have done this through out history. Where would we be if everytime something scary happened we throw our skirts over our eyes and say it's the demons!
i dont know,call me crazy,but dont demons seem to have way way more fun than angels?..they even seem to have cooler fashions..i mean,dont get me wrong,im all for good and all that pucky,but in simple asthetics,id choose demons hands down....
I'm a psychology student, my view on it is that it is not much different than when you are waking up in the morning, sill half sleeping but able to hear voices around you. It is a state between sleep and being awake, nothing else.
What kind of parent always remains hidden form their children?
You make some interesting points aSphere. The whole idea of God as a parent who cares for me personally never worked for me because I always felt like he was not there when I really needed him. Then I would wonder if maybe I was doing something to displease Him or maybe I was not doing enough preaching, studying, praying. Maybe God is more like a force. And maybe this force is responsible for the bigger picture, i.e., the rotation of the galaxies, the maintenance and upkeep of the Universe, etc.
please consider all the things that have been blamed on demons throughout histery, things that are now easily explained by science, such as epilytic seizures
And yes I know many things have been blamed on demons only because people did not understand what was happening. But people also dismissed certain ideas as nonsense because they did not have enough knowledge about the subject or because it had never been done before, for example, the idea of man being able to fly, travel to space, or cloning. While we shouldn't rush to blame unexplained happenings to demons, I don't think we should rush to say that they don't exist either.
My experience with hypnosis is as follows: I did it regularly (at least once a week) for about 6-9 months. Some sessions I was in a light trance and I remember everything. Other sessions, it was like I blacked out or fell asleep and came to when the session was ending. I used a CD. It did work for me, meaning that I did display the behavior that was suggested in the sessions.
However, other things began to happen. On a few ocassions I "blacked out" for a few seconds in the middle of my daily routine. In one instance I was at work, and for a few seconds I have no memory of what I was thinking about or what I did. This was different than just being so busy you cant remember what you did a minute ago. It felt like I just blacked out. A little scary but no big deal. Except that hadn't happened to me before without the aid of a few shots of booze.
Also at night, I frequently couldn't sleep. Both myself and my wife kept waking up cause we heard noises. Also I began experiencing hypnopompia/hypnogogia on a regular basis. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnopompia)
One night my wife and I were lying in bed, wide awake and we heard the voice of our child right next to us in bed. Except our child was sleeping in her room. That freaked me out a bit because we were both wide awake and we both heard the same thing. And my wife who is still a JW has never done hypnosis.
Needless to say I threw away my hypnosis CD and the voices and noises and the hypnogogia and hypnopompia stopped. I hate to sound like watchtower article, but it is the truth.
i dont know,call me crazy,but dont demons seem to have way way more fun than angels?..they even seem to have cooler fashions..i mean,dont get me wrong,im all for good and all that pucky,but in simple asthetics,id choose demons hands down....
That's because they don't have to follow any rules. They can really do whatever they want. Manifest themselves if they want to, or not manifest themselves just to keep the skeptics thinking it's all nonsense. Bastards!
My experience with hypnosis is as follows: I did it regularly (at least once a week) for about 6-9 months. Some sessions I was in a light trance and I remember everything. Other sessions, it was like I blacked out or fell asleep and came to when the session was ending. I used a CD. It did work for me, meaning that I did display the behavior that was suggested in the sessions.
However, other things began to happen. On a few ocassions I "blacked out" for a few seconds in the middle of my daily routine. In one instance I was at work, and for a few seconds I have no memory of what I was thinking about or what I did. This was different than just being so busy you cant remember what you did a minute ago. It felt like I just blacked out. A little scary but no big deal. Except that hadn't happened to me before without the aid of a few shots of booze.
Also at night, I frequently couldn't sleep. Both myself and my wife kept waking up cause we heard noises. Also I began experiencing hypnopompia/hypnogogia on a regular basis. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnopompia )
One night my wife and I were lying in bed, wide awake and we heard the voice of our child right next to us in bed. Except our child was sleeping in her room. That freaked me out a bit because we were both wide awake and we both heard the same thing. And my wife who is still a JW has never done hypnosis.
Needless to say I threw away my hypnosis CD and the voices and noises and the hypnogogia and hypnopompia stopped. I hate to sound like watchtower article, but it is the truth
One thing which i failed to mention, is that prior to the session I did briefly think that maybe I was opening myself up to demonic interference. This is a result of the Watchtower indoctrination. Maybe this turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy? It still does not explain how both my wife and I heard the noises and the voice.
I have never used hypnosis but know a psychologist that uses it regularly to help people overcome addictions such as to cigarettes. There has never been any suggestion by him of clients have demon trouble afterward.
There is nothing special about hypnosis. We all self-hypnotise constantly, a common situation being whilst watching tv. Hypnotism is when a person is in a form of trance. The danger of hypnotism is not demonism, but that our conscious thinking ability is bypassed and so people become more susceptible to suggestion by others.
It is interesting that the boring repetitiveness of meetings can put people into a light hypnotic trance state, hence information being delivered is accepted as truth without critical evaluation. Though I think the Watchtower writers actually believe that being hypnotised can lead to demon attacks, a more real reason the Watchtower is scared of hypnotism is that the hpnotist is in a powerful position to help change another persons beliefs.
JWFACTS - is spoton. I was hypnotised for 28 yrs by the WBTS! No more. Now the only demons I have are the vestiges left over from that which I have to fight, but which is terribly difficult.
100% there are no external spirit forces of demons. I once invited them to dinner with me if they existed but there was a resounding no show.