by juni 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I took college prep courses in high school, had a 3.5 grade point average, and had enough money in the bank to fund a 4-year education at our local university. Because of the Society's stance on higher education, and decided to choose a 2-year stint at a local business college. Boom--our Bible Study Servant (we didn't have elders at the time) showed up at our house. This man had a college education himself, but I didn't think about that. He told me I didn't need college to get a good job. I was a whiz at shorthand (anybody remember shorthand?)--he dictated a letter to me, I typed the letter accurately on my typewriter, and he told me I had all the skills I needed. Just think--I could take shorthand, spell and type a letter at 80 + words a minute.

    Listening to that jerk was the biggest mistake I made in my life.

  • Mary

    Were you a freak? jock? nerd?................ Post a pic if you'd like.

    Believe it or not, I was very introverted in high school. The religion had totally zapped my self-confidence. So even though I wrote a play in English class (that was chosen out of everyone else's in high school to make it to a performance), I still thought I was stupid and totally untalented. My English teacher told me he thought I had the potential to become a writer or Journalist. But why would I want to do that when Armageddon was so close?

    So years later, yep, I'm going through to get my BA now. I guess better late than never eh?

    Here's a couple of pics then and now.....(I'm the one on the right---blurred the other pic out cause I think she's still in the Borg)

    More recent ones....the one on the right was taken at a wedding last week....picture turned out kinda crappy...come to think of it, I'm not even sure who took this picture. .....either that or I was really hammered. LOL!

  • juni

    It's been nice getting to know each of you better. We all have our stories to tell don't we?

    I'm sorry Sandra to hear your sad story. But you are a survivor and are living a happy life now. That's wonderful to hear!!! Towanda! Have you seen the movie, "Fried Green Tomatoes"? I'm 58 so I've got more insurance than some young chics too. LOL Remember that scene? (if you saw the movie) stars Kathy Bates - a very touching and funny movie.


    Edited to add:

    Sandra? I took 7 years of French. Was invited to Chicago to work in the French pop. to witness, but became pg and was too sick w/morning sickness to go w/the pioneers.

    Bonnie-Clyde - I remember shorthand! Stunk at it cause I'm left handed and couldn't get the slant right and the teacher was as old as Methuselah and didn't think anyone should stay a lefty. LOL

    Mary you are stunning! Good for you going back to get your degree. Maybe you'll write a Broadway play some day and some of us can say, "We know her! The percocet and wine poster at JWD!" LOL

    DJK said that he takes studying more seriously now than when younger. I really believe that is true. Comes w/maturity and not wondering who's stealing whose boyfriend, etc. and all of that high school mentality... LOL

  • bigdreaux

    ya know mary, my wife is going through the same thing still now. she is so beautiful and talented, but, her spirit was crushed for so long, she still has confidence problems. she is alot better now, but, still doesn't know how wonderful she is.

  • juni

    Bigdreauz - give your wife positive affirmations every day! I just finished reading "The Five Love Languages". Can't remember the author. Helpful book. Everyone needs to have their individual love-need filled in a different way. It can help improve marriages and friendships.


  • Mary
    ya know mary, my wife is going through the same thing still now. she is so beautiful and talented, but, her spirit was crushed for so long, she still has confidence problems. she is alot better now, but, still doesn't know how wonderful she is.

    Ya.....funny how the "one true religion" does that to so many eh?

  • blondie

    I was a very good student, made good grades, was popular without staining my JW heritage.

    But my parents divorced the year I graduated. My mother had not worked outside the home for over 20 years. I had to get a job and help support her and my siblings.

    I took classes through work and I am by now pretty close to a degree but find that I make more money than I would in my chosen profession at the job I have now. So now I take classes for my personal fun and education. When I retire soon, I may finish that degree in psychology and find an application in a new career.

    The important thing is to learn, expand your view of the world and the universe, get to know people. So I have volunteered in teaching English as a second language.

    I live in a university town and no one wants to leave...3 PHDs competing for a manager's job at McDonald's.......

    So have a plan if you go on to higher education...where are the jobs...are you willing to move there....are you willing to take a lower position to attain a more lucrative one in a few years...

    I moved into an area where I needed a flexible schedule. I took work I thought I would never take, cleaning. By the time I left, I had 2 employees and enough work and money to employ 2 more. I have never looked down on good honest work that supports you. But always have a fall back plan. I did and went into sales/delivery services and made 4 times as much money as cleaning. I was one wealthy pioneer with lots of spare time...organize, delegate, and watch it happen.

    So have a plan, know where you are going, and how to get there. Get help if you are an older student returning to school; it is out there and money and scholarships. If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.


  • juni

    That is really sound advice! I don't think this is just a JW saying, but here goes:

    "ROUGH WATERS MAKES A GOOD SAILOR GREAT" something to that effect.

    Adversity can force us to rise above tragic events and be successful in the end! You're one example of a success story.

    Thanks Blondie.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I was invisible in high school. My best JW friend, told a secret that she knew about me, to all of the other girls in 10th grade. I hid in the shadows after that. Did not have my picture taken since 8th grade. My parents have never noticed. So, I am not in any yearbooks. I skipped my 11th grade year in school, by taking summer school for 2 years. My senior year, I went to English class at 7:00am, and went to a work study job. So I left, school, when the other students were getting to school.

    I graduated at age 16. I was ranked 10th out of 385 students. Not one councilor ever discussed college to me. All I could think about, was making money, to leave my parents house.

    Went to college when I was 26, graduated with honors. Worked, although I was advised not to. (I had to) My parents came to town 1 time, and took me out to dinner. Never gave me a dime. Not even a can of soup. They paid my brothers way to Junior College, and my sister to a Private University in their hometown, so she could live at home.

    Now they are old, and want a relationship. I have faught and worked hard all of my life, I have been treated badly all of my life. They have never helped me. Why should I help them. You Reap What You Sow. I did it all myself, you didn't help me. You and your religion tried to suck my life out of me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was extremely nerdy for the first two years of High School. I was living with my non-JW
    parent, and I wasn't able to keep it together. I was really on my own. My dad lived his
    own life with his own problems and didn't pay much attention to me. I started doing
    drugs and alcohol pretty heavy. I eventually dropped out, got a GED later and joined the
    Air Force. The alcohol (at least no more drugs) got the best of me and I was kicked out.
    That's when I let my mom send the JW's to speak to me. I might have been better off
    using AA. Oh well.

    On my course without the derailing, I had high ACT scores and could have gone to
    college. A week before I went into the Air Force, I got a form letter saying I was an
    Illinois Scholar, eligible for tuition scholarships if I stayed in state. They didn't know I had
    dropped out and joined the military.

    Not all our problems are from the JW's. They can sometimes just be the icing on the cake.

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