Make prank phone calls to jw's. flipper who's getting lit
What do you do to fill the void?
by R.F. 44 Replies latest jw experiences
Make prank phone calls to jw's. flipper who's getting lit
I think I'd like to hang out with Mr. and Mrs. Flipper!
When you were with the WBT$ your life was premade..Now your life is yours..What do you want to do with it???..You have an imaginiation..Use it..The possibilitys are endless... OUTLAW
For me I had to go though the stage of realizing that untheocratic activites that I enjoy are worth doing and fulfilling - I suppose its part of seeing there's more to life and not feeling guilty about it.
My top 2 are learning and gardening
The Humper
well thankfully a found a great woman to fill the void in my life. in more ways then one she has helped me without even knowing that she was. then we had a son and now he takes precident in our lives. she is not the slightest religious and doenst go to any church and that has helped alot. even though i grew up in the borg i never really took hold of it. the only real reason i even got dunked was cuz my friends did it.
so for me getting out was easy, plus joining the army and being away from everyone and everything i knew has greatly helped. i used to think i was runnning from my problems but not anymore. if anything i escaped what was holding me down and back from progressing to be human.
passive suicide
Exactly what I did when I was a JW.........except without any hesitation, and usually throwing all concern for health and well being out the window..I, drink, punk rock-n-roll......and then I come home to my beautiful family, and drown myself in bliss.
sorry about your brother R.F.
Thank you jeanV
I have found several things that are far more entertaining than having to go knocking on people's doors and go to all those snoozefests.
For instance, posting apostate blogs here and on MySpace. Playing video games--there are lots of fantasy adventure games that the Watchtower Society used to forbid or frown on, for just about every game console out there. (I do not recommend that Bulletproof game, however. Not that it's too anything--I would like it if I could see what the &$## I am shooting at). Neo-Tech. Getting ready to put up Christmas decorations so I will actually enjoy them this time. Recording rap onto mini discs so I can listen to it at work.
Other possibilities: Going back to school. Changing careers, possibly to one that is banned under the Watchtower. Porn. Taking up a real hobby, such as collecting items or building models. Fixing that old jalopy that you couldn't fix because you always had to use it in service. Taking care of those house projects that pioneering had you put on hold (you know, painting and fixing that leaky roof or that out of date kitchen). Learning to build a Web site of your choosing, including another apostate forum or Web site. Reading those apostate sites and books that you were forbidden from doing. Getting involved with nature, if only for part time. A real vacation. Studying and applying nutrition, even if you only apply one tiny facet of it. Getting that exercise routine that you haven't been able to because of service, so you can finally lose that lard or get into shape. Learn a sport, even if you only watch it. Invest something in the stock market (be prepared to invest risk capital, like what you would have donated to the Craptower Society so you won't mind losing money in the short run). Gamble (within your means, of course). Learn to play a musical instrument. And so on.