from the watchtower to freedom is like a "frontal lobotomy" to a "bottle in front of me".......thank you Tom Waits
What do you do to fill the void?
by R.F. 44 Replies latest jw experiences
It is very easy to fill in the time as there are countless activities one can choose from, apart from time spent at work there are so many hobbies to choose from, apart from socialising. At present my hobbies include gardening, fishing, cooking, swimming, watching films.
Fill the void..sounds so something really bad happened.
Think of it this way, it was a cancer that was cut out. It had to go or you would die. Lose family or friends...well, now you know what kind of friends and family. It's still there choice, hard though it may be. They would rather lose you than everlasting life in a paradise earth.
What did you dream about doing? Pick one, do it. Then pick another.
It's only too late when you are dead.--Malcolm Forbes
Love, Blondie (a little flip this am
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
I hope this isn't too "off topic." This thread reminded me a conversation my sister and I had not too long ago about the "paradise." All the things she and I have an interest in doing, books we want to read, things we want to learn, would be forbidden according to the JW's. So in "paradise," we would get bored very quickly, with what we would be allowed to pursue.
Good topic. I like the points that you should not view it as a void, but as newly found freedom! Freedom to do all the things you were secretly daydreaming about, if you just allow those dreams to come up out of your subconscious, they are there, I guarantee it. The possibilities are endless. Sometimes it's a bit scary, but if you realize that's because of how we were conditioned as Jehovah's Witnesses then you will be OK.
I finally can read all the books I always wanted to read but never had time to read because I was not caught up on all my "theocratic" reading. Going to music shows and not feeling guilty about it is also wonderful. Having time to go for long walks. Riding my bicycle around. Catching up on all the rated R movies I missed that are actually worthwhile films. I can finally get my bachelor's degree and not feel supremely guilty about how I am wasting my time when I should be warning others about the imminent end.
In my current state R.F., your question sounds kinda dirty.
I'd expect more from a Ministerial Servant and Pioneer!
Little Drummer Boy
I have had the time to complete a college degree and am learning how to make friends and spend time with them (the real kind, not the borg kind). I have spent a lot of time re-asessing my belief system (religious vs. attheist). I took up a new sport (airsoft) which would be absolutely forbidden by the wts.
So many things to do!
i do everything!!!!! life is SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! especialy now that there are no more stooopid rules!!!!.hey,have a drink,a smoke,make love,play guitar loud,attempt a bar chord! sing out loud.change clothes 10 times,or not!.call people and gossip,tell tall tales,give yer best friend a pedicure!!!too much great stuff to list..think of all of the time we wasted looking up every danged scripture at the meetings! i mean,what up w.that? why do you have to look up EVERY scripture mentioned?.and they use dozens and dozens in each talk!..what a waste of sweet sweet time....
Lady Liberty
Dear Choosing Life,
I was always amazed that for as involved and active in the organization as my husband and I were, we never felt a void, guilt. Totally not what I ever thought we would feel if we ever left. I believed those that left had to be nothing but miserable and almost to be pittied. Boy, was I wrong! Now I find myself pittying them!! I look back and wonder how we ever did it!! How in the world do the poor kids do it with getting up early, and for many dealing with an incredible homework load especially during the begining of the school year. Never being able to sleep in on the weekends without feling a measure of guilt for not being in the ministry. Never having one day of rest. Never having real family time. Now though, I feel we have time to enjoy the precious life that we have been given and finally have time for each other.
Lady Liberty
I compose, publish and distribute APOSTATE literature to counteract the mushroom food composed and published by the Watchtower Society which is then distributed by Jehovah's Witnesses.
Mushroom Food - Honesty! Excellent
I don't seem to have enough time or money to do everything I want to do. I certainly don't have a void - well I do but Touching The Void is another kettle of fish altogether. I like to read lots, play games, study hard, learn, talk to all my friends, kiss, love, dance, write, sing, be random and unpredictable, surprise people, make others laugh, watch movies...