What void? . . . The void that the Watchtower creates - and that you bought into - by digging a huge gulf between you and the real world? . . . Is that the void you're talking about? It feels like a tragic loss to be d'f'ed or d'a'ed, and it is very painful, I know, in the beginning, and sometimes even years later. I have gone back and forth over the years between anger, denial, grief, and gotten stuck quite a few times due to the brainwashing and sometimes self-imposed isolation. And the depression and fear can be paralyzing, but it doesn't have to be.
I am sorry that you are feeling emptiness; I know how it is, but it doesn't have to go on and on. Hugs!
The void created by the Society and by our acceptance of its rules and limitations is illusory unless one is blind, deaf, mute and quadraplegic, or otherwise helpless to find other things to do and see. Learned helplessness and a sense of gloom and doom for the world outside the bOrg is exactly what keeps the Watchtower Society in power over one.
We now know very well that we live in a world of wonder, inspiration, beauty, paradox, and struggles, do we not? Now, let's see what we can do about accepting the disappointments we cannot change and finding hope and joy for ourselves. No, it won't happen over night, but there is much to fill the voids in our lives, whatever they may be, and yes some of them are very real, but sometimes we repeatedly fall into the same hole over and over instead of walking around it, right? I sure have. Maybe I will again . . .
In the meantime (in between falling into the hole), I'll try to seek the wonder, the beauty, the adventures - even if they are very small, local ones. That's what I wanted to do that this weekend by going to the beach, but it rained! Oh, the wonder and beauty of rain . . . really . . . and of the internet . . . I can think and research about the wonder of rain, of the chemistry of water and the amazing way that it keeps us all living and being and meditate for a moment on its physical properties of polarity and whateva . . . yes, the glass is half full and it is half empty. It's alright to analyze the emptiness and figure out what it is, and even to feel it, but remember to drink the water and enjoy it anyway.