Help Needed on Problems with WTS

by WT=watchtrouble 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • davegod

    I basically go with this stance. You could argue that the Tanakh (hebrew bible) and the old testament are two differant books. Moses ect. did not write two bibles and I doubt any god would inspire two, that is why I don't believe in the bible, the whole of christianity is dependant on the hebrew bible or what became the old testament. Without prophecy, jesus becomes another heretic, with prophecy JW's becomes an death wish(more later). There is some scripture where messiah (I think Jeremiah, sorry:)) is in the old testament but, not in the tanakh. They (christianity) just changed it and added to match up with the new testament. When they were picking out what to use in the ''new'' bible, they basically started an new religion at the expense of another. Take some parts that sound like a prophecy, introduce an messiah and take over the world! It does not matter what JW's have done with translation, what matters is what you are translating. Basically jesus did not fulfill the requiremants of the messiah. Just to give you some backstory, there is something called the two messiahs ( think second coming, enthroned, ect), the first would be Jesus ending sin by giving his life for all. The second would be the glorius messiah, killing the wicked, ending death ect. If Jesus was both and ascended the throne in 1914, why has'nt he done anything. Oh yeah, the generation. Well that generation is getting damn old. If you were born in 1914, you would be 93, 10 yrs. old in 1914, 103, 15, 108. They have moved the date up several times, < biggie, see below! No one born in 1890 or so, or earlier is alive. Oh and blood, they are divinely inspired yet can't reach an concensus on blood. Divorce, not allowed, then allowed. Any of these changes are biggies, they lead to this

    Deuteronomy 18:20-22.

    "But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death."

    "You may say to yourselves, 'How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?' If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him" (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 NIV).
    Long story, short: They claim to be divinely inspired, yet are not. End of story.

    Except!:) For the whole bible, I'll save that for later. For now just quit, disassociate yourself and also put in writing not to contact you and anyone contacting you will be subject to criminal harassment charges.

  • changeling

    Do not waste your time my dear: They are brainwashed and will just hear blah. blah, blah when you speak. And you may easily end up df'd. If you don't mind being cut of from your family go right ahead, if you do,think twice before you open your mouth.

    When a person is ready to come out they do so, but in their own time. You can't force it on them - it will back fire on you.

    Be careful. and take care of you.

  • WT=watchtrouble

    Hey Guys n Girls,

    thanks for all of your replies! Appreciate the web sites and all your comments. Have been involved with this org for 13 & 1/2 years since I was a child but never got baptized dispite the pressure. My parents never pressured me and have always said it needs to come from within. But the elders tried all the time. Not worried about parents shunning as I know they won't as I have seen them discreetly talking to d/shipped ones before. Any friends who end up shunning are not real friends.

    I just want to give the elders hell, regardless of the consequences. And I have already told a couple of people in the org about the abuse. They just looked at me as if to say I was lying. How dumb can you get!!! I feel when we can we need to stand up and say that the whole thing is wrong and deceptive. I will not be afraid of a group of old men who are too scared to question their beliefs.

    I might even sneak a voice recorder in when I speak to elders next. One elder has spoken to me and I mentioned about the abuse and just brushed it off but was sort of shocked and didn't know what to say at first. He said he would come back but never did - yet! LOL

    Man I am getting obsessed with this stuff. I need to get a life - a new one.

    Take Care

  • jwfacts

    I have just posted a new site based on at It is a simplified version of and discusses each point as simply as I could, so you may like it. BTW it is still a bit of a work in progress.

  • Hortensia

    I am amazed at how we are programmed by the WTBTS to feel we owe them an explanation about our personal lives. Fuck 'em. Just quit going and if they ask why, just say, "because I want to." There's no point in trying to prove anything; they are bullet proof in that regard, unless they are secretly on the way out themselves in which case your example might help them.

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