Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?

by flipper 381 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dinah

    Blind prejudice my damn ass!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I knew a molester. He was one of a set of twins and was adopted. He molested the daughter of a ministerial servant. The girl was less than 7 years old as I recall. He served jail time. I don't know how it was handled, as the congregation split into two and he was on the other side. I do know the girl's father started going to another congregation over the whole mess, and I think he eventually left. The molestor was disfellowshipped, but he continued going to meetings while he was waiting to serve his jail sentence. I don't know if he was ever reinstated. It was a sickening experience all the way around.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'll bet no one even knew the specifics enough to keep their kids safe while he was at the hall.

  • flipper

    JOHN DOE- What a sad experience. Sorry you had to even observe that fiasco in your former congregation.

    WHITE DOVE- I'm quite sure the elders let this pedophile have free roam . I just got off the phone with a former elder friend of mine- first time I've talked to him in 13 years - it was staggering to me how he said " It's not the congregations responsibility to report abuse to the police , we just handle it in the congregation ! " I was dumbfounded. So- yeah, just DFing the pedophile bastards makes it safer for kids ?? Not. The elders and GB don't CARE if they get molested OUTSIDE the congregation .

    Believe me, in my almost 2 hour conversation with this fanatic JW friend - I've got a hell of a lot of new material for a thread I will start tomorrow morning ! You will NOT believe your ears on this one ! Stay tuned ! He really tried to drill me with questions ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Mr. Flipper,

    I am in suspenders. Anything that I can read that keeps proving what horrible policies they support is helpful to remind me to never go back. I have family that is still in and I need to be strong so I don't fall for it.

  • flipper

    WHITE DOVE- Well, I'm glad to dispense any information from my own conversations because it's all a big learning experience for me too as I have relatives and friends still in the witness cult as well. Anything to help sis ! We all gotta stay strong together ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I think I sent you a PM, Mr. Flipper. Or I did on FB.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    So I am not innocent because I am a witness?

    You are not innocent because you do not stand on the side of the victims. I worked for many years in the community working with incest survivors. Not one was a JW (just so you know). The literature on abuse has this to say:

    If you are on the side of the abuser all you have to do is remain silent.

    If you are on the side of the victims you MUST speak out.

    These two statements apply to JWs just as they apply to anyone else in the real world.

    • The WTS coerces victims and their families to remain silent.
    • The elders sweep the problem under the carpet. JWs who do know are told to be quiet or else risk being reproved for slander against the abuser.
    • JWs march into courtrooms and SIT ON THE SIDE OF THE ABUSER, get on the witness stand and say what a good Christian the abuser is. That by the way is documtned in several court cases

    There is nothing there that supports the victims and their families. Nothing.

    Witnesses are all pedophiles?
    Is this what you are all saying because it sure sounds like it and are showing your true colours more than I am mine!

    No one is saying all JWs are pedophiles. Heck most JWs are really nice people. We were JWs too you know.

    We got to see up close and personal how the WTS demands the elders to deal with sexual abuse cases.

    What have I said that is so terrible?

    Well you support the WTS' policy on dealing with pedophiles and their victims. That puts you on the side of the abusers. THAT is what is so terrible.

    I think pedophila is one of the most evil crimes on the planet but I will not shoot the innocent instead of the guilty.

    The problem again is that NO ONE IS SHOOTING THE GUILTY. They get off scot free. Free to continue to prey on more children because the 2-witness rules is a joke. The elders determine the person is not guilty because the abuser was smart enough not to abuse a child in front of witnesses. So because he is determined to be innocent no one knows about the accusation. Therefore:

    • No one watches him with their kids.
    • No one watches when he volunteers to take your child door to door.
    • No one watches when he offers to help the sister with no husband and 3 kids.
    • No one watches when he offers to study with them. Everyone just thinks he is some wonderful guy who loves kids.
    • No one wants to think about just how much he loves kids.
    • No one wants to think that when brother X picks up your child to sit on his lap he is copping a feel of your 3-yr old.

    The 2-witness policy keeps this guy in the congregation, hidden, white-washed.

    A good reading of Matthew 23 would do the WTS and JWs a lot of good. I can't find anything in there that doesn't apply to the WTS

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    There was a girl in our congregation who was molested by her older brother. I always thought there was something wrong from her behavior & interests. She had serious safety issues. She was an artist & her pictures had unusual themes.Just before I left I found out what had happened.Her brother was reproved, father removed as an elder, no reporting, no one knew what had happened except the elders, no counciling help for either child.Just told to not talk about it. There was also verbal abuse in the household & beatings of other children.

    I quit meetings because of a pervert in the congregation that wouldn't stop touching me. He was a mystery person, rumors around about him maybe coming from a gay congregation in San Diego. His behavior was excused , told he was retarded & didn't know better. He touched a little girl at the KH book study. The family was moved to another study. Avioding him was like running the gauntlet, no one would do anything to stop him. Only weekly threats of an ass woopin by my husband kept him away from our children, but he couldn't resist bothering me.He was brought to every meeting and in service at least twice a week. Young brothers were assigned to drive him. Also to take to assemblies & conventions. Elders had others bent over backwards to get him around.No elder ever spoke to him, just excuses why we must put up with him. As it turned out I later found he was a study of one of the elders and was eventually baptized.


  • dinah

    ((((Lady Lee))))) Great post!

    Someone who stays quiet or defends an abuser is just as guilty as the one who committed the crime.

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