Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?

by flipper 381 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The decision to ban her will be discussed.

    As mods we try to give active JW apologists some rope. Usually they hang themselves with it.

    She has said she is leaving. My personal choice would be to lock the door behind her

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    She has said she is leaving. My personal choice would be to lock the door behind her

    Wouldn't that sort of comment be best left in the moderator's discussion area? I can't see how it serves any useful purpose here.

  • dinah

    In defense of Lady Lee, I'm sure they have had a barrage of complaints.

    It's funny how it took the subject of sexual abuse to make people mad enough and get to her to make her wanna leave. She's belittled all the spiritual and emotional abuse we all grew up with.

    My softer side says I hope she will get help, but my practical side says she doesn't really want it. (my cold, hard bitch side wants to punch her) Some people just want to drag others down to their level of misery. Some folks can't stand to see a survivor. How much energy did people waste on her idiocy?

    It almost seems like she was an experiment to see what it would take to make us tell someone to go away already.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    John I'm allowed a personal decision. This topic touches me in a very personal way. If it was my choice alone she would be gone. But I do recognize that I might be taking it too personally. When this happens we consult with the other mods. And because of that I take the decision to Simon and the other mods.

  • dinah

    She has de-railed how many threads?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    dinah I hear ya

    Most of us would like them to go away. But believe it or not they serve a purpose.

    Any sane person reading what she posts will quickly realize JWs are not functioning with all thrusters. They see how they miss the point, avoid the hard questions, and simply quote WT literature or scripture instead of really thinking through the discussion. They never ever admit they are wrong. That is when they disappear.

    reniaa has done her job well. She has proven that she is incapable of free thinking.

    Think of it as an innoculation for anyone thinking about getting involved with the WTS

  • lurk3r

    I personally think silent lambs would be more help if they concentrated on the victims of pedophiles and stopped trying to put a witch-hunt on witnesses.

    This is what really blew me away. How in the sam HELL can one "concentrate on the victims", if there is not an effort to change current policy? It's a witch-hunt on JW pedo's, not JW's. You have to go through one to get to the other.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    John I'm allowed a personal decision.

    Discretion is the better part of valor.

  • dinah

    To get back to the point of this thread.............

    It's their policies that protect baby rapers. It's like a dysfunctional family. Don't say anything! What would the neighbors think?? Our "Mom" was a whore who only looked out for her own interests........to hell with the kids.

  • wozza

    Well everybody I think Reniia is only just exhibiting the thinking the WTS has inculcated into most of it's flock ...."If the brothers are looking after things Jehovah will bless them ,so by critisizing one thing like the way they handle molestors that would be devisive and jehovah would be displeased with me!?"

    After all, like Reniia, to them it's a tiny problem within the WTS as far as they can see for Jehovah would not allow this to happen in his "clean" organisation, would he?

    Some here may remember my experiences with the WTS and how we tried for years to get changes done ,how I warned the elders and publishers with kids of a seperate case from ours in our congo ,that he hugged kids (and molested his daughters as an elder ) in the congo under the elders noses and their families ,but to no avail ,and finally though he was criminally charged. But even then a few months ago two of the body came to get me to DF my self and when I brought this up again ,one of the men did not know of the case and he was supposed to be protecting the flock from this animal.

    The average JW is basically blind and ignorant or in denial that these things can occur in their religion

    PS if you want to read about my experiences in full follow the threads of WOZADUMMY

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