Teleportation - It exists! Where will you go ?

by Crumpet 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Teleportation has been invented and proven to work and be safe. No leaving of limbs in one town while you go to another. What is more the governments are cracking down on vehicle travel to help slow down climate change.

    (Dont ask me what teleporters run on - its not nuclear or fossil fuels - maybe wind farms? Then again maybe slowing down climate change will stop it being so windy and then we'd have fuel shortages...)

    Where would you travel if you could teleport anywhere you liked in a second?

  • Nosferatu

    I'd come to your house Crumpet! We would put on some nice music, waltz into your bedroom, and you could show me your..... shoe collection.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I suppose if your body consisted of a one particle and you needed moved a few meters it would be a great option!

    Quantum Teleportation

  • lola28

    Laker Locker room...after the game.

  • BFD

    Well believe it or not I would like to take a ride with Crumpet and her volvo.


  • brinjen

    Trip around the world in a day!

  • Fearless

    UK would do just fine

  • Crumpet

    Lola - you filthy girl! Can I come?

    Nosferatu - I hate to disappoint you, but I do not have a shoe collection so it will be a very short diversion!

  • Crumpet

    Well believe it or not I would like to take a ride with Crumpet and her volvo.


    Did I turn you straight? Oh I am so proud - such a great achievement! LOL!

  • lola28

    There's always room for Crumpet! This year for my birthday I'm getting myself courtside tickets to a game, they are only 2,000, what can I say I have a thing for really tall men.


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