I have the same situation as you.
My wife and I talked about everything. When I was strong in the truth I could express any doubts I wanted. I could agree/disagree with almost anything. She usually agreed with me. You know how there are lots of little things that different congregations do differently or even different individual witnesses? My wife and I agreed on basically all of those conscience matters. We felt the same way about stuff and conversation was open.
Now, communication couldn't be more boring. I have a whole new side to myself that I can't share. I would love to talk about this scripture or that or how I feel about a particular belief. Really, I have nowhere to turn. I can express myself here but as great as this place is I need real face to face conversation - especially with my own wife.
I am so tired of hiding who I am. What choices do I have? I could just start talking about things. That wouldn't go over well and my marital situation would end up worse that it is now. I can continue to withold my thoughts but I am not really sure how long that can last.
Our marriage is fairly strong. We love each other deeply. When I was first fading out we did have conversations and she assured me she would not leave me over the truth. But, she also told me that I wasn't to discuss my doubts and issues with her - she felt it wouldn't be encouraging. I can see her point.
I'm a man with a wife and kids yet I am so so lonely.