True story (I need to save this because I have to keep retyping it).
In about 1986-87 we started going to the hall less and less. I, frankly, didn't want to go. I was becoming increasingly uneasy with what I was hearing, particularly in relation to the coming end, and the no education talks. Our oldest children were approaching middle school. I started doing some research and eventually was reading CofC on the sly. Wife in the meantime was having health issues and was unable to go to a lot of meetings, but wanted me to keep going.
So one sunny Sunday morning in the Spring of 1988 we decided to stay home from meeting and talk. I expressed some doubts (put very mildly) about what we were hearing at the hall. Wife then disappears for a minute and I'm sitting at the table drinking coffee when she comes out of the bedroom with CofC in her hand. I figured I was toast until she grinned and said "this is my copy." She'd been cleaning a day or two earlier and found mine where I had it stashed under my side of the bed. She'd been waiting for a good time to pull hers out from under her said of the bed.
I don't think we went to a meeting again, we went to the DA that summer with a view to looking at it like we'd never heard any of it before, and making up our minds on our own about what we thought. It was the last WTBS event we went to, unless you count protesting.
It shows you never know what might happen.