Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-10-07 WT Study (God's Word Guide)

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-10-07 WT Study (May 1, 2007, pages 14-2829)(GOD'S WORD GUIDE) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black underline (formatting problem)
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations


    "Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.'-PSALM 119:105.


    When I was baptized the "organized" book was titled after this scripture, was yellow and called the "Lamp"

    book. It was the first time baptism candidates were to be questioned by the elders in the congregation

    about the basics of WTS policies and doctrines. Then the WTS could say in court that by the testimony of

    3 men that baptizees knew what they were getting into.

    There is even a page of formal ordination, that you and the PO (congregation servant) sign. Remember

    this was the day of Viet Nam and young male jws had to have all the official paperwork they could get to

    get out of the draft. Some how many draft boards did not see ten hours a month knocking on doors as

    their definition of a minister and baptism as an ordination as one.

    Can you just let God's word guide you, without anyone or anything to assist you?

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of

    anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the

    Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom

    of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet


    *** w88 6/1 p. 20 par. 19 Accurate Knowledge of God and His Son Leads to Life ***

    Since such a doctrine makes it appear that only theologians can understand Bible teachings, it also suits

    the religious leaders of Christendom. This helps them to maintain their hold on the common people.

    *** w81 11/15 p. 28 Feed Regularly on Bible Truths! ***

    From that, can we not reasonably conclude that Christians should feed regularly on spiritual food, even as

    they do on literal bread? Certainly. (Matt. 4:4) Such spiritual food includes not only the Bible but literature

    that helps us to understand the Bible. That is why the publishing and administrative agency for Jehovah’s

    Witnesses, the Watch Tower Society, does not content itself with just printing Bibles. It also publishes

    Bible aids on a regular basis to aid readers to a fuller understanding of the Bible.

    So where were the Bible "aids" in the first century? How could they possibly have understood the Bible

    without the "governing body," a term that does not even occur in the Bible.

    How many witnesses can "honestly" say they have read the whole Bible? Do they really read and study the

    assigned bible verses each week? Have you ever seen the elder assigned to bible highlights on the

    school reading the verses at the meeting and making a few notes? Even if you looked up every snippet,

    cited, quoted scripture in the WT studies, you cannot say you have read the Bible...

    ***BTW, how many times does the WT use a snippet scripture, a cited scripture, and a quoted scripture?

    Have you checked to see if the snippet is in context and looked up all the scriptures? Are you studying the

    publication or the Bible?


    Q1, 2) Why have most humans not succeeded in finding true peace and happiness?

    1) Can you recall an occasion when you had to ask someone for directions? Perhaps you were close to

    your destination but were unsure of the last few turns. Or it may be that you were completely lost and

    needed to change your course altogether. In either case, would it not be wise to follow the direction of

    someone who knew the area? Such a person could help you reach your destination.

    Humans--men; mankind--humankind

    brothers--brothers and sisters;

    he--he or she;

    his--his or hers:

    how many ways does the WT edit out women? In recent the years the WTS has improved but as Jesus is but a

    impersonal tool by which God accomplishes his goals; women are the same.

    Would it be wise to follow the direction of someone who knew the area?

    How many men do you know that will stop and even ask someone who knows the area?

    “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll quotes (English Logician, Mathematician, Photographer and Novelist, especially remembered for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 1832-1898)

    2) For thousands of years, (hu)mankind in general has tried to navigate its way through life without divine

    help. Left on their own, however, imperfect humans are completely lost. They simply cannot find the road to

    true peace and happiness. Why have they been unable to reach that destination? More than 2,500 years

    ago, the prophet Jeremiah stated: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."

    (Jeremiah 10:23) Anyone who tries to direct his own step without accepting qualified help inevitably faces

    frustration. Truly, (hu)mankind needs direction! humans--in days gone by "men" or "mankind"

    without accepting 'qualified' help--who only is qualified, God, Jesus, the FDS, the WTS, the GB, the elders,

    your father, husband?

    Q3) Why is Jehovah God supremely qualified to provide direction for mankind, and what does he


    3) Jehovah God is supremely qualified to provide such direction. Why? Because he understands better

    than anyone else the makeup of humans. And he is fully aware of how the human race got sidetracked and

    be¬came lost. He also knows what is required for them to get back on course. Furthermore, as the

    Creator, Jehovah always knows what is best for us. (Isaiah 48:17) Thus, we can fully trust his promise as

    recorded at Psalm 32:8: "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give

    advice with my eye upon you." There is no doubt about it: Jehovah pro¬vides the best direction. But just

    how does he guide us?

    Jehovah God is supremely qualified to provide such direction--yet whose footsteps are we told to

    follow--Christ's. Where's Jesus?

    He (God) knows what is required--yet many witnesses run to the elders to tell them what to do, having

    neither read the Bible or the WTS "aids."

    Jeh...always knows what is best for us--but we cannot understand what he is saying without the


    How does he guide us?--only through the WTS...only through the FDS...only through the GB...the JW trinity.

    Q4, 5) How can God's utterances direct us?

    4) A psalmist said in prayer to Jehovah: "Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway."

    (Psalm 119:105) God's statements and reminders are found in the Bible, and they can help us to

    overcome ob¬stacles that we may encounter on our path. Indeed, when we read the Bible and let it guide

    us, we are experiencing firsthand what is described at Isaiah 30:21: "Your own ears will hear a word

    behind you saying: `This is the way. Walk in it, you people."'

    found in the Bible--the primary source, no WTS publications

    Once a WT conductor asked off the assigned material--"Where do we get such direction"?--as he held up

    the WT. The PO almost threw out his shoulder getting his hand in the air, shouting the answer before the

    mike got there, "THE BIBLE, THE BIBLE." And that first man was conducting the WT study!

    When we read the Bible and let it guide us--first, witnesses have to read the Bible when they need

    direction, not the WT publications; then "let it guide us" rather than the opinions of several elders and other

    "mature" ones.

    5) Note, though, that Psalm 119:105 points to two related functions of God's Word. First, it serves as a

    lamp to our foot. When we face day-to-day challenges, principles found in the Bible should guide our steps

    so that we make wise decisions and avoid the traps and pitfalls of this world. Second, God's re-minders

    light our roadway, helping us to make choices that are consistent with our hope of living forever in God's

    promised Paradise. With the road ahead well-lit, we will be able to discern the consequences--good or

    bad--of a particular course. (Ro¬mans 14:21; 1 Timothy 6:9; Revelation 22:12) Let us see in greater detail

    how God's ut¬terances as found in the Bible can be a lamp to our foot and a light to our roadway.

    First--LAMP...the Bible SHOULD guide us, not WT publications.

    Second--LIGHT...making choices that are CONSISTENT

    Have you perused the flip doctrines of the WTS, the 180 degree turns they have made twice on one

    doctrine? Will the people who died at Sodom and Gomorrah be resurrected? Don't get whiplash on this


    "A Lamp to My Foot"

    Q6) Under what circumstances can God's utterances be a lamp to our foot?

    6 Every day, we make decisions. Some decisions may seem relatively minor, but we may at times be

    confronted with a situation that challenges our morality, our honesty, or our neutral stand. To face such

    trials successfully, we must have our "perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong."

    (Hebrews 5:14) By obtaining accurate knowledge of God's Word and developing an understanding of its

    principles, we train our conscience so that we will make decisions that please Jehovah.-Proverbs 3:21.

    Every day, we make decisions. Some decisions may seem relatively minor

    Trained by whom? God or the WTS/FDS/GB? Train our conscience...but whose conscience is foremost? Ours or another jw in the organization?

    Please God or Please the WTS/FDS/GB? Or does God = the WTS/FDS/GB?

    Q7) Describe a situation in which a Christian (only jws are Christians per the WTS/FDS/GB) may be

    inclined to associate with unbelieving (unbelieving in WTS doctrines and policies) workmates.

    7) Consider an example. Are you an adult who is sincerely trying to make Jehovah's heart rejoice?

    (Proverbs 27:11) If so, you are to be commended. But imagine for a moment that some workmates offer

    you a ticket to accompany them to a sporting event. They enjoy your companionship at work and would like

    to socialize with you outside the work environment. You might have the strong impression that these

    individuals are not bad people. They might even have some good principles. What will you do? Would

    there be any danger in accepting the invitation? How can God's Word help you to make a good decision in

    this matter?

    Are you an adult--when does the WTS consider a person an adult? 6-year olds have been baptized as a

    JW considered adult enough to make a lifelong decision that could lead to being disfellowshipped and cut

    off from all contact with their family.

    workmates--WTS vocabulary...when was the last time a non-jw used that word around you?


    offer you a ticket (soccer game per the picture on page 15) to a sporting event

    Several brothers I have known have had season tickets to football and basketball games, university and

    national teams. Is it wrong to go to the game and associate with "worldly" people there or go with "worldly"


    Socialize without outside the work environment--Is it all right then to socialize during work at retirement

    parties, baby and wedding showers, award ceremonies, employee recognition day, etc.?

    They might have SOME good principles--heavens, "wordly" people have any good principles?!

    So what scripture, without looking at a WT publication or at paragraph 8, applies? If you have been a

    witness more than 5 years and don't know this, shame, shame, shame on you.

    Q8) What Scriptural principles help us to reason on the matter of associations?

    8) Consider a few Scriptural principles. The first one that may come to mind is found at 1 Corinthians

    15:33, which says: "Bad associations spoil useful habits." Does adhering to this principle require that you

    shun unbelievers entirely? The Scriptural answer to that question is no. After all, the apostle Paul himself

    showed loving consideration for "people of all sorts," including unbelievers. (1 Corinthians 9:22) The very

    nature of Christianity demands that we show an interest in others--including those who do not share our

    beliefs. (Romans 10:13-15) Indeed, how can we follow the counsel to "work what is good toward all" if we

    isolate ourselves from people who might need our help?-Galatians 6:10.

    What is an unbeliever?

    *** w04 7/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***

    At 2 Corinthians 6:14, to whom is Paul referring when he uses the term “unbelievers”?

    At 2 Corinthians 6:14, we read: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers.” If we look at the context,

    it is evident that Paul is speaking of individuals who are clearly no part of the Christian congregation. This

    understanding is supported by other Bible verses that record Paul’s use of the term “unbeliever” or



    What, though, of individuals who study the Bible and associate with the Christian congregation? What of

    those who are unbaptized publishers? Are they unbelievers? No. Individuals who have accepted the truth

    of the good news and are progressing steadily toward baptism should not be called unbelievers. (Romans

    10:10; 2 Corinthians 4:13) Before his baptism Cornelius was called “a devout man and one fearing

    God.”—Acts 10:2.


    Would it be wise, then, for a dedicated Christian to pursue courtship and marriage with someone who has

    been accepted as an unbaptized publisher, since, strictly speaking, Paul’s counsel recorded at

    2 Corinthians 6:14 could not apply in that case? No, that is not wise. Why not? Because of the direct

    counsel Paul gave regarding Christian widows. Paul wrote: “She is free to be married to whom she wants,

    only in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 7:39) In harmony with that counsel, dedicated Christians are urged to seek

    marriage mates only among those who are “in the Lord.”

    What is the meaning of the expression “in the Lord” and the related expression “in Christ”? Paul speaks of

    individuals who were “in Christ” or “in the Lord” at Romans 16:8-10 and Colossians 4:7. If you read those

    verses, you will see that such ones are ‘fellow workers,’ ‘approved ones,’ ‘beloved brothers,’ ‘faithful

    ministers,’ and ‘fellow slaves.’

    When does one become a “slave in the Lord”? That happens when he willingly does what a slave has to

    do and disowns himself. Jesus explains: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and

    pick up his torture stake and continually follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) A person begins to follow Christ and

    fully subject himself to the will of God when he dedicates himself to God. Thereafter, he offers himself for

    baptism and becomes an ordained minister with an approved standing before Jehovah God. So, then, to

    ‘marry in the Lord’ means to marry someone who has demonstrated that he is truly a believer, a dedicated

    “slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”—James 1:1.

    A person who is studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and who is making fine spiritual progress is

    to be commended. However, he has not yet dedicated himself to Jehovah and committed himself to a life

    of service and sacrifice. He is still making necessary changes. He needs to complete the major changes

    involved in becoming a dedicated, baptized Christian before contemplating another major life change,

    such as marriage.

    Would it be advisable for a Christian to pursue courtship with someone who seems to be making good

    progress in his Bible study—perhaps with the intention of waiting until he gets baptized before marrying

    him? No. The motives of a Bible student could well become confused if he is aware that a dedicated

    Christian wants to marry him but will not do so until he is baptized.


    For the most part, an individual is an unbaptized publisher only for a limited period of time, until he

    progresses to the point of baptism. So the above counsel to marry only in the Lord is not unreasonable.

    What, though, if someone is of marriageable age, has been brought up in a Christian family, has been

    active in the congregation for a number of years, and serves as an unbaptized publisher? Well, what has

    held him back from giving his life to Jehovah in dedication? Why does he hesitate? Does he have doubts?

    While he is not an unbeliever, he cannot be spoken of as being “in the Lord.”

    Paul’s counsel on marriage is for our benefit. (Isaiah 48:17) When both prospective mates have dedicated

    themselves to Jehovah, their commitment to each other in marriage has a solid, spiritual foundation. They

    share the same values and the same goals. This greatly contributes to a happy union. Moreover, by

    ‘marrying in the Lord,’ one shows loyalty to Jehovah, and that leads to enduring blessings, for “with

    someone loyal [Jehovah] will act in loyalty.”—Psalm 18:25.

    So are unbaptized publishers or unbaptized people who regularly attend WTS meetings and comment,

    "good association." Will they be invited to social occasions or only conversed with at meetings and their

    own study?

    Shun unbelievers

    What does it mean though to show an interest...obviously not going to a soccer game with them, but you

    can go with the PO with the season tickets.

    "work what is good toward all" if we isolate ourselves from people who might need our help--such as

    disfellowshipped/disassociated/even just inactive friends and relatives?

    [Picture on page 15] When does association with an unbeliever become unwise?

    Q9) What Bible counsel helps us to be balanced in our relationship with our workmates?

    9) However, there is a clear difference be¬tween being friendly toward a workmate and being that one's

    close companion. Here is where another Scriptural principle enters the picture. The apostle Paul warned

    Chris¬tians: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14) What is the meaning

    of the phrase "do not be¬come unevenly yoked"? Some Bible transla¬tions render those words "do not

    team up," "do not try to work together as equals," or "stop forming inappropriate relation¬ships." At what

    point does a relationship with a workmate become inappropriate? When does it cross the line and

    become an uneven yoking? God's Word, the Bible, can direct your step in this situation.

    Clear difference between being friendly toward a workmate and being that one's close companion.

    Remember when jws were counseled not to call anyone outside the body of jws "friend," that all others

    were just acquaintances? JWs would even interrupt you midstream to correct you. I wonder what some

    non-jw spouses thought of that gem?

    At what point does a relationship with a workmate become inappropriate? When does it cross the line?

    When the elders tell you it is or has.

    Q10) (a) How did Jesus choose companions? (b) What questions can help a person to make good

    decisions about associations?

    10) Consider the example of Jesus, who from creation onward had a love for humans. (Proverbs 8:31)

    While on earth, he forged a close bond with his followers. (John 13:1) He even "felt love" for a man who

    was religiously misguided. (Mark 10:17-22) But Jesus also set clear boundaries regarding his choice of

    close companions. He formed no close ties with people who were not sincerely interested in doing his

    Father's will. On one occasion, Jesus stated: "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you."

    (John 15:14) True, you may get along well with a particular workmate. But ask yourself: `Is this person

    willing to do what Jesus commands? Does he or she want to learn about Jehovah, the one whom Jesus

    instructed us to worship? Does he or she have the same moral standards that I as a Christian have?'

    (Matthew 4:10) As you talk with your workmates and insist on applying Bible standards, the answers to

    these questions will be evident.

    Consider the example of Jesus--finally they found Jesus.

    Love for humans..."felt love" for a man who was religiously misguided

    Formed no close ties with people who were not sincerely interested--but then Jesus could read hearts, can

    you, can the elders, did Jesus leave rules by which to "mark" people and not associate with them?

    What happens when a person becomes a jw? How do they treat their non-jw family?

    Jesus commands or WTS/FDS/GB commands?

    The WTS taught that Jesus taught that the people of Sodom and Gommorah would be resurrected and

    changed that "command" 7 times.

    same moral standards that I as a Christian (or more specifically only as a jw since we know that non-jws

    are not TRUE Christians; after all their worship is tainted with the cross (1931,1936), birthdays (1926), etc.

    Dates are when Bible Students (JWs) finally got rid of the taint. Could God have chosen them as the only

    TRUE religion in 1919 then?

    [Picture on page 16] Jesus' close companions were those who did Jehovah's will

    Q11) Cite situations in which God's utterances should guide our steps.

    11) There are many other situations in which God's utterances can be like a lamp to our foot. For example,

    an unemployed Christian may be offered a sorely needed job. However, the schedule is demanding, and if

    he accepts the job, he will be absent for a number of Christian meetings and will miss out on other

    activities related to true worship. (Psalm 37:25) Another Christian may be strongly tempted to view

    entertainment that clearly violates Bible principles. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Still another might be prone to

    take offense at the imperfections of fellow believers. (Colossians 3: 13) In all such situations, we should let

    God's Word be a lamp to our foot. Really, by following Bible principles, we can successfully face any

    challenge in life. God's Word is "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for set¬ting things straight, for

    disciplining in righteousness."-2 Timothy 3:16.

    an unemployed Christian = an unemployed JW only

    sorely needed job...schedule is demanding...absent for a number of Christian (WTS) meetings

    But men who volunteer to work at the WTS headquarters are required to miss meetings to do their

    assignments on a regular basis. In one congregation, there were 12 elders but had at least one elder and

    a backup for each of the 5 major elder positions. There were only 3 local elders...who got stuck with most

    of the responsibility. The secular work at the headquarters is more important than the sheep in the


    entertainment that clearly (in the WTS opinion) violates Bible (WTS) principles--Harry Potter is bad but

    Disney is good. I heard a speaker once say that DisneyWorld is the closest thing to paradise on earth

    today. And he had been to Bethel!

    prone to take offense at the imperfections of fellow believers (only jws)

    Like your local 'repentant' jw pedophile or adulterous elder who is hitting on your wife

    [Picture on page 17] Does our lifestyle demonstrate that we put Kingdom interests first?

    "A Light to My Roadway"

    Q12) How are God's utterances a light to our roadway?

    12) Psalm 119:105 also states that God's utterances can light our roadway, illuminating the path ahead.

    We are not left in the dark when it comes to the future, for the Bible explains the meaning of distressing

    world conditions and what the outcome will be. Yes, we realize that we are living in "the last days" of this

    wicked system of things. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Knowing what lies ahead should have a profound impact on

    how we live now. The apostle Peter wrote: "Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of

    persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting and keeping close

    in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah! "-2 Peter 3:11,12.

    Bible explains the meaning of distressing world conditions and what the outcome will be

    But the WTS has explained WHEN that outcome will be: 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, (1984),

    (1994) until they ended their doctrine that some of those born in 1914 and before would be alive when the

    end came. People born in 1914 are 93 years old today. How much longer will they last?

    Profound impact on how we live now.

    Note how it impacted on jws in 1974, expecting the end in 1975:

    *** km 5/74 p. 3 How Are You Using Your Life? ***

    Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their

    days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining

    before the wicked world’s end.—1 John 2:17.

    Q13) How should the urgency of our times affect our thinking and our lifestyle?

    13) Our thinking and our lifestyle should reflect our firm conviction that "the world is passing away and so is

    its desire." (1 John 2:17) Applying Bible guidelines will help us to make wise decisions regarding our

    future goals. For example, Jesus stated: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness,

    and all these other things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) How commendable it is to see many young

    ones showing faith in Jesus' words by pursuing the full-time ministry! Others--including entire

    families--have voluntarily moved to lands where there is a pressing need for Kingdom proclaimers.

    thinking and our lifestyle SHOULD reflect our firm conviction that "the world is passing away."

    So have you sold your house and property and started pioneering or moved to 'where the need is great' for

    Kingdom proclaimers (publishers?)? I guess your "thinking" and your "lifestyle" doesn't reflect the firm

    conviction that this world is passing away.

    And why aren't non-young ones included more? Do they have a greater obligation to pioneer than there jw

    parents who stopped pioneering to get married and have their children?

    *** w87 2/1 p. 15 par. 1 Doing Our Utmost to Declare the Good News ***

    “A FEW years ago, many of us thought that only those with special circumstances could pioneer,” wrote a

    pioneer, or full-time minister, in Japan. “It seems we were wrong. We are learning that only those with

    special circumstances cannot pioneer.”

    And where are jws in Japan today? Increasing? Decreasing?

    Q14) How did one Christian (jw) family expand their ministry?

    14) Consider one Christian (jw) family of four who moved from the United States to the Dominican

    Republic to serve with a congre¬gation in a town with a population of 50,000. The congregation is made

    up of about 130 Kingdom publishers. Yet, on April 12, 2006, some 1,300 attended the Memorial of

    Christ's death! The field in that area is so "white for harvesting" that af¬ter just five months, this father,

    mother, son, and daughter were conducting a total of 30 Bible studies. (John 4:35) The father explains:

    "The congregation has 30 broth¬ers and sisters who have moved here to help out. About 20 are from the

    United States, while the rest come from the Bahamas, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, and Spain. They arrive

    eager to engage in the ministry and have had a tremendous impact on the enthusiasm of the local


    Dominican Republic--a destination for many "young ones" in my congregation...basically, a lark and

    adventure, a way to get out from mommy and daddy's supervision, many financed by their parents.

    Looking for a husband, some poor good-looking brother who wants to get out of DR.

    130 publishers but 1300 attended Memorial

    Remember when attendance numbers were like that in your congregation? Reports are that

    congregations are combining due to loss of numbers and combining memorials with other congregations

    giving false impressions that there is a real increase. Just because 30 people show up, doesn't mean 30

    people are working.

    30 Bible studies - definition of a study, talking 1 minute to the same person 3 different times in the same


    30 moved, how many stayed very long and why did they leave? The DR is a very poor country, with

    conditions that are not found in the public areas of parts of those countries mentioned.

    Tremendous impact--yes 30 people saying "back in my country the WTS had us do it this way" "yes,

    brothers, being on time is not showing up 20 minutes late" people too poor to own a watch BTW.

    Q15) What blessings have you enjoyed because of putting Kingdom interests first in your life?

    15) Understandably, many are not in a po¬sition to move to another land to serve where there is a greater

    need. But those who are--or who can adjust their circum¬stances to make themselves available--will surely

    experience numerous blessings by sharing in this aspect of the ministry. And no matter where you serve,

    do not miss out on the joy that can be yours when you serve Jehovah with all your strength. If you put

    Kingdom interests first in your life, Jehovah promises to "empty out upon you a blessing until there is no

    more want."-Malachi 3:10.

    Understandably, many are not in a position to move....adjust their it a choice?

    Do those who "make room" get MORE blessings from God than those who scriptural circumstances are a


    Benefiting From Jehovah's Guidance

    Q16) How will we benefit by letting God's utterances guide us?

    16) As we have seen, Jehovah's utterances guide us in two related ways. They serve as a lamp to our foot,

    helping us to move for¬ward in the right direction and guiding us when we have to make decisions. And

    they light our roadway, enabling us to see clearly what lies ahead. That, in turn, helps us to follow Peter's

    admonition: "Brace up your minds for activity, keep your senses com¬pletely; set your hope upon the

    undeserved kindness that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."-1 Peter 1:13.

    God's utterances or the WTS/FDS/GB utterances...can you understand the Bible without them?

    Right direction--as defined by the WTS/FDS/GB

    see clearly what lies ahead--yes the end will come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, 1984,

    1994...VERY SOON NOW.

    Q17) How will Bible study help us to follow God's direction?

    17) There is no doubt that Jehovah provides guidance. The question is, Will you submit to it? To

    understand the direction that Jeho¬vah provides, make it your resolve to read a portion of the Bible each

    day. Meditate on what you read, try to perceive Jehovah's will in matters, and think of different ways that

    the material could apply in your life. (1 Tim¬othy 4:15) Then use your "power of reason" when you make

    personal decisions.-Ro¬mans 12:1.

    There is no doubt that Jehovah provides guidance--but only the WTS/FDS/GB understand what he is


    Will you submit to it--the WTS/FDS/GB?

    Meditate--there is good and bad meditation; do you know the difference?

    Use your "power of reason"--but it is better to check with the elders because they will be adjusting in the

    near future.

    Q18) When we let God's Word guide us, what bless¬ings do we receive?

    18) If we allow them to, the principles found in God's Word will enlighten us and give us the guidance we

    need when we make decisions about the proper course to follow. We can be confident that Jehovah's

    record¬ed utterances make "the inexperienced one wise." (Psalm 19:7) When we allow the Bible to guide

    us, we are blessed with a clean conscience and the satisfaction that comes from pleasing Jehovah. (1

    Timothy 1:18,19) If we let God's utterances guide our steps each day, Jehovah will reward us with the

    ultimate blessing of everlasting life. John 17:3.

    God's Word...Bible...God's utterances or WTS utterances and publications

    CARROT: reward us with the ultimate blessing of everlasting life.

    Do You Recall?

    • Why is it important to let Jehovah God guide our steps?
    • In what way can God's utterances be a lamp to our foot?
    • How can God's utterances be a light to our roadway?
    • How will Bible study help us to follow God's direction?

    Closing Comments

    This is the one punch of a one, two, three punch series of articles. Next to be punched are disobedient jws

    that are getting separated and divorced at alarming numbers. Then the week after that "youths" will be

    under close scrutiny and the WTS/FDS/GB will have several "goals" they must strive for to be TRUE


    Blondie has been so grateful for all support. Especially, dear Irreverent. We have our flowers in and the

    garden is growing. So if the tornados don't blow us away and we don't get flooded out......

    Enjoy life folks; let's try not to poison our present, freedom from the WTS.

    Love, Blondie

  • heathen

    There definately should have been a vomit alert with that article. yah right "work mates" maybe they mean suck up to the boss for a raise or something, like everybody else. Use bible principles that only match that of the WTBTS current rules are . I would think that going to a sporting event would be right out since it is one of the most worldly things you can do but somehow they are dodging the hard line with this load of bunk . You'd think they'd just up and say go marry who you want just as long as you stop molesting the children .

  • Pistoff

    “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."

    ---So WE will tell you how you should direct your step. We can't direct our own step, of course, but that doesn't mean we can't direct YOURS.

    "Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying:

    “They might even have some good principles.” ---Who the hell cares about their principles?? It's a ball game, genius; the ballplayers are probably shooting steroids in the clubhouse, setting up dates with groupies for after the game, and we are worried about out workmates?? Hey, those people at the door we witness to; how about their principles? Is going to a ball game not a good way for people to see we are not three eyed FREAKS? Or is declining social invites the way to show people what GREAT well adjusted people we are?

    “Would it be wise, then, for a dedicated Christian to pursue courtship and marriage with someone who has been accepted as an unbaptized publisher, since, strictly speaking, Paul’s counsel recorded at 2 Corinthians 6:14 could not apply in that case?”
    ---Hmm; tough call. The chances are still 50 50 you sisters will marry a serial peeping tom, or Mr McFeely who knows how to get around the JC’s.

    “At what point does a relationship with a workmate become inappropriate? When does it cross the line?”
    ---I don’t know; I am such a dumb fundy I need brain dead control freaks from NYC to tell me. When, when?? Tell me please. Is it when they don’t bring back my red stapler? Is it when they ask me to go to the ball game? Or go golfing? Is that when I raise the hand to Satan’s advances?? I am lost here….

    “But ask yourself: `Is this person willing to do what Jesus commands? Does he or she want to learn about Jehovah, the one whom Jesus instructed us to worship? Does he or she have the same moral standards that I as a Christian have?' (Matthew 4:10) As you talk with your workmates and insist on applying Bible standards, the answers to these questions will be evident.”---?? Apparently, we should mentally or physically take their moral inventory before we go to the bloody ball game with them. You know, because, hey, today a ball game, maybe tomorrow they will want to (gasp) have LUNCH.
    Maybe we should ask them if they too will listen to all the horror stories about priest sex abuse, but automatically reject anything about the 2 witness policy? And of course, to NOT complain when their widow's mite contribution gets sent to the latest victim of Terrific Ted's continuing debacle, paying out to victims.

    “Consider the example of Jesus—“
    --You mean the Jesus who gave his life for all, including the heathen who is our “workmate”? (Isn’t a workmate one of those folding little workbenches?) THAT Jesus?

    “Still another might be prone to take offense at the imperfections of fellow believers.”
    --Ok, that’s me. I am offended at the imperfections of Ted Jarascz and his fellow board members who have now begun to PAY OFF those abuse victims who they would not even apologize to 5 years ago. How are you feeling about that decision now, huh, Ted????? Great job, Ted; you, my friend, you. We are all amazed, really, at how well you have emulated the love Jesus showed for the little ones.

    “Knowing what lies ahead should have a profound impact on how we live now.”
    --Yes; when you know you will be paying out millions for the foreseeable future to victims of a dumbheaded sex abuse policy that you would not change, you start SELLING ASSETS to get the cash. MESSAGE TO THE GB: QUIT NOW, BECAUSE AS LEADERS, YOU ARE GOOD JANITORS.

    “Understandably, many are not in a position to move to another land to serve where there is a greater need.”
    --Um, right. That is because all our role models were people who sold their homes in 1974, have burned up their assets and their bodies and have the shirt on their back, that’s it . Got nothing more to liquidate to move to some backwater sh**hole to peddle the WT (public version only, of course).

    "There is no doubt that Jehovah provides guidance."
    --Really? Like about Sodom and Gomorrah? Flippity floppity? Organ transplants? Blood fractions?? Voting? Alternative military service? Working in churches? I would love to submit, but, um, I have lost my desire after losing friends who listened about blood, organ transplants, went to jail for not going to war and then were assigned to….alternative military service!! “Go sell crazy somewhere else, we’re all full up here”.

    The question is, Will you submit to it?
    ---Well, now we get down to the POINT of the article. Not to contemplate Jesus’ life, what that message means to us personally, no consideration of the social gospel; NO. The question is: will you be a good obedient little publisher?
    Let me get back to you on that, brother.

    GREAT job blondie. Ditto on the wind; I have chainsaw work into the foreseeable future, lost trees.

  • undercover

    I didn't get past the question on paragraph one:

    Why have most humans not succeeded in finding true peace and happiness?

    The hook isn't in the article, it's in the first question. State as fact that most humans are unhappy and wham! all the dubs are sucked in because they think they're the only happy folks on the planet.

  • heathen

    The hook isn't in the article, it's in the first question. State as fact that most humans are unhappy and wham! all the dubs are sucked in because they think they're the only happy folks on the planet.

    considering most people live in poverty I think I will cut them some slack on that statement.

    It really is no mistery that they believe God directs the organization thus being the lamp that guides them so they aren't ashamed of making statements that put everybody else in the dark .

  • Flowerpetal

    Lots of witnesses think they are studying the Bible when they study Watchtower publications me included when I associated, until I started reading the cited scriptures in context and saw they were misusing the scriptures.

  • yaddayadda

    Wot a boring, dumbed down study article. Nothing but patronising didactic.

    And how puke-making is this:

    "Bad associations spoil useful habits."
    Does adhering to this principle require that you shun unbelievers entirely? The Scriptural answer to that question is no. After all, the apostle Paul himself showed loving consideration for "people of all sorts," including unbelievers. (1 Corinthians 9:22) The very nature of Christianity demands that we show an interest in others--including those who do not share our beliefs."

    YEAh RIGHT! Unless of course you are an ex-JW unbeliever in which case you are totally shunned as if you are the scum of the earth.

  • jgnat
    Para 9: Christians: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14) What is the meaning of the phrase "do not become unevenly yoked"? Some Bible translations render those words "do not team up," "do not try to work together as equals," or "stop forming inappropriate relationships."

    Ha, even my JW husband had a good laugh over this one. If you lived in my home, could you avoid forming a close relationship with me? Couples in a religiously mixed marriage must be having a field day with this article.

    I am rather disgusted with para. 10 as well, which suggests that Jesus avoided forming intimate bonds with people. Excuse me, he showed deep compassion, often weeping, when people came to him for help. He deliberately associated with the "untouchables" of his day including tax collectors, women, Samaritans, children, unclean, lepers, the desperate, lonely, ill, widows, poor, handicapped, and the immoral. The only people Jesus avoided were the hypocricital leaders of the day.

  • dust

    On one occasion, Jesus stated: "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you." (John 15:14) True, you may get along well with a particular workmate. But ask yourself: `Is this person willing to do what Jesus commands?
    End of quote.

    And what did Jesus command in John 15? He commanded people to love, and if necessary give their lives for their friends. If a workmate is willing to do this (also cf. Rom 2:14-16), then how can that possibly be a problem?

    On the other hand, when a JW shuns a DF'd person, it is to save his/her own life at Armageddon, isn't it? It's important not to demonstrate TOO MUCH love, obviously. (John 15:13)

    (Why does the context in the Bible so often say something else than the Watchtower?)

  • Blueblades

    Jgnat, I was going to say the exact same thing about Jesus in Paragraph 10. Jesus himself said: "I came for the sick not the healthy, the healthy do not need a physician." Jesus, hung out with the outcast ones. The Watchtower is dead wrong about what they say in par.10.


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