Thou shalt not think for yourself and express any form of honesty and integrity
and secondly thou shalt not engage in personal intelligence ........ boy that one got me in trouble
by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends
Thou shalt not think for yourself and express any form of honesty and integrity
and secondly thou shalt not engage in personal intelligence ........ boy that one got me in trouble
watching porno movies
I went to school.
thou shalt not eat hallucinogenics in grand put bout 8-10 years into breaking that one...whew...
Playing the lottery.
2nd shift worker here too. Part time, just Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Helped me fade really well.
I think you break so many of the JW rules in your heart and mind first. Then it starts to spill over into reality
Then you realize that they made them all up anyway and they are of no consequence.
Many more to break free from. I have to remember how to live normally like I did before I ever heard of them.
Independent thinking.
Hmm probably reading books that would have been considered inappropriate - Harry Potter, Tom Clancy, etc. I never really got into heavy music until after I left. I used to watch violence on tv and late night smut though. I got my ear cartilage pierced which was at least taboo here. I went to school. I dated a girl. I got drunk with my friends. I smoked weed at a party. I have more piercings than that now and a tattoo on my back. I go to concerts. My haircolor is certainly not natural. I can't think how anything I do is not a smiting of JW commandments at this point.
If I can hold off the urge to get another piercing for 2 months I'll be eligible to donate blood. :-p as long as I don't tell them I had a girlfriend..that makes me ineligible for life. Ah well I'm probably anemic again anyway.
I reactivated my dormant brain cells and started thinking independently.
Which JW commandment did you break first ?
"Thou shalt not begin to think"