Which JW commandment did you break first ?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    A couple of Benson & Hedges menthols I stole from a pack of cigarettes that my "worldly" friend's mother had lying on her dining room table. Yes, I got a nasty head rush and almost threw up what was in my stomach. Oh yeah, since I stole them, it can be considered a double sin.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • loosie

    #1) faking feild service reports

    #2) posting here

    #3) playing lottery

    #4) hanging out with "worldly friends"

  • Crumpet

    I wanted to make sure when I went for my first judicial at 16 that I had broken all of the ten commandments as well as as many of the made up JW ones as I could. So I did them and ticked them off as follows:

    Ex 20:3 "You shall not have any other gods against my face." I worshipped Daisy Duke and Face (A Team) from age 8 and stuck them on the reverse side of scriptures stuck on my bedroom wall, which I turned round to gaze upon at bedtime.

    Ex 20:4 You must not commit idolatry - have a carved image etc... I bought and wore my first cross when I left at home at 16

    Ex 20: 7 - You must not commit blasphemy -.... I accidentally began blaspheming at age 6 when I picked up the common phrase in the school playground "Oh mh Guaaaard".

    Ex 20:8 - You must observe the sabbath ... I observed Black Sabbath from age 12 when I found out about them listening in on a bible study where my parents advised the study that she would have to burn her demonic albums right away and they did. Stinking vinyl!

    Ex 20:12 - Honour your father and mother: One of my earliest memories is of being 4 or 5 and wetting myself so I could make us late for a the meeting before field service so that we wouldnt know where they were working and escape a dull afternoon, but being smacked for it and put to bed (this summarises my entire childhood in fact - although I managed to grow out of wetting myself by about 8 or 9 - troubled child!). I sat crosslegged on my bed and uttered over and over again loudly so they could hear it "I HATE YOU". Then I said a prayer asking them to be struck dead.

    Ex 20:13 - You must not murder. I tried to murder myself quite seriously when I was 16 and being shunned by my family prior to disfellowshipment by swallowing 100 paracetemol and a bottle of glenfiddich and gallons of water while I watched the Saturday ITV Chart Show and hoped I'd live long enough to see who was no1. I hadnt actually realised that this is a disfellowshipping offence. At the judicial I was asked did I realise that and was I repentant to which I replied dully (thanks to a pre kangaroo court diamond white) "No I still want to die".

    Ex 20:14 - You must not commit adultery. This one I couldnt manage but I kissed a married woman and hoped that counted. I decided fornication would probably cut it and I had sex for the first time with a guy called Chris purely so that I could bring something juicy to the judicial table. After all thats what they expected - that I left so I could have sex and I couldn't bear to disappoint the elder's bodys - I mean the body of elders. I then did not have sex having lost my virginity for another two years until I felt old enough and mature enough.

    Ex 20: 15 - you must not steal. I started penny pinching when I was 10 from my dads margarine tub full of change. Like father like daughter.

    Ex 20:16 - You must not lie. I started lying before I could speak, by smiling when I was miserable because my mother would pinch me to remind me to smile so people could see how happy god's people were.

    Ex 20:17 - You must not covet. I had nothing growing up and wanted everything I saw.

    And Jw rules I broke: included masturbation, smoking, smoking cannabis and dropping acid and e's and drinking heavily and engaging in homosexual sex and viewing porn.

  • JH

    Crumpet is going to hell

  • Crumpet
    Crumpet is going to hell

    I know exciting isn't it!

    Crumpet of the Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't class

  • Sparkplug
    Crumpet is going to hell

    I know exciting isn't it!

    Good morning Crumples... LOL

    See ya there!

    There are so many JW rules, I cannot even begin to say what all I have broken. I have been gone so long, I cannot even recall what all was 'wrong' to do. Perhaps I never really even knew them all....then I may not have been in so much trouble all the time.

  • Crumpet
    Crumpet is going to hell

    I know exciting isn't it!

    Good morning Crumples... LOL

    See ya there!

    There are so many JW rules, I cannot even begin to say what all I have broken. I have been gone so long, I cannot even recall what all was 'wrong' to do. Perhaps I never really even knew them all....then I may not have been in so much trouble all the time.

    Sparkles I suggest you begin by confessing you "skin care regime" with sixofnine - I'm sure that involves some onanistic sin!

  • Sparkplug
    I'm sure that involves some onanistic sin!

    You have my beauty routine all wrong.. BAD CRUMPLES!! So very dirty. lol

  • Sparkplug

    double post.


    I'm going to go smoke a cigarette and think about it.

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