Are ex-JW still gullible or serpent-like?

by BEROEAN 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    +++Breaking News++++

    AP - Scientist have just discovered what appears to be a huge ass planet in our very own solar system.....Oh's old 'What's his Face' putting on his helmet.


    Circling the earth in the Space Shuttle.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    +++++BREAKING NEWS++++++

    Paris Hilton spotted at Kingdom Hall in Elk Grove Village...Oh wait a minute...its just BORING going to clean the toilets before the next meeting.


    Still not totally free of the Old Org. thinking are ya? Was Lydia wealthy? What about Phoebe? Did Jehovah bless Solomon with wealth? David? Job? Of course not! These are undeserving of a resurrection as well in YOUR book. Read your Bible man! Why listen to those who speak contrary to what the Bible says? You know, one familiar scripture goes like this: "Do not put your trust in earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs." Does that include men in the Org.? Sure it does!

    I believe the story went something like, Michael having a dispute over Moses' body. Why? Because the retards would have worshipped his rotting corpse if given the chance. Sort of like those in the Org. in the past that were in awe of Bethel members. "Wow! that's Bro. Barr! Get his autograph! Take a picture!". Sad.



    Has it occurred to you that if armageddon came right now jehoover would wipe you out with the rest of us? Prolly take out your lovely wife too sitting in her BMW or 3000' sq ft house. Are you storing up treasures on earth or in heaven?



    "What a douche" want a twinkie? Creamy filling! Mmmmmm!


    Circling the earth in the Space Shuttle.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    What's the matter Paris....can't take the stress of jail?

    Can't handle the real world?


    Okay. Enough nonsense. I need to check my stocks and make more money this week. I'll check back in later. As a sign of good will, here's a stock tip: Buy NOV-HR Options and sell by the end of the week. You'll make 20% on your return in two days. Later.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    Okay. Enough nonsense. I need to check my stocks and make more money this week. I'll check back in later. As a sign of good will, here's a stock tip: Buy NOV-HR Options and sell by the end of the week. You'll make 20% on your return in two days. Later.

    Translation.... my wife who has the real job in my family....

    Pathological liars never quit. Thus the term pathological.

    Later Paris

  • BFD


    Fair enough, you can be as rich as you want to be. I say good for you. Enjoy your earthly treasures whilst you can.

    This doesn't change the fact that you are in direct disobedience to your masters in Brooklyn who say the Holy Spirit directs them to tell jehoovers people to stay off apostate web sites. You are guilty by association and would be wiped out with the rest of us if armageddon came right now.

    IMO you cannot claim to be a JW and disobey the masters in Brooklyn. It don't work that way, brother. If you're not a JW then bend over and kiss your ass goodbye when the storm arrives. So why waste your time at all the meetings and stuff? Go make more money instead.

    You remind me of a cafeteria catholic.


  • flipper

    Oh, boy, something is fishy here, guys. (Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake) This guy has a lot of anger, and seems to get some satisfaction from stirring it up in others. I had a friend who did this stirring up thing with anyone she could including her closest friends. She had been through a lot of terrrible medical and personal stuff and was bitter and resentful of those whose lives were easier. There's not much anyone can do except keep your distance - professional help is what's in order, maybe meds. Although this whole thread is interesting for us, it's probably not productive to get pissed at him. On the other hand, it's good to get all perspectives - it's good to know who's out there. mrs. flipper

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Most of your claims about the current jws are false.

    You say that the new ones have mostly come out of the world and are not easily duped. The truth is most of the growth in jws in the past decade has been those who were born and raised in it.

    You say you can disagree with the other elders and do as you please. Try printing out your posts on this board and show them to the elders, telling them there is nothing wrong with visiting such sites. Then let us know of the results. Until you do this, all other claims are null and void.

    You brag about not getting duped by the stupid rules of the organisation. Why would you want to belong to an organisation that attempts to make people follow such rules to begin with? Is that not extremely hypocritical to be an elder and do one thing as you teach another?

    You brag that your family is worldly and you visit them regularly. This is what I think. You married a Witness and to please her, you became one. All your immediate family are Witnesses. So you are not really giving up much. Try this. Take those posts to the elders and state you are free to visit whatever site you choose on the internet. Then stick to your guns.

    After you are disfellowshipped as an apostate, don't let men tell you what to do. Keep sticking to your rights. Now see what happens to your life and family.

    After a few months, please return here and describe how you feel and how wonderful the Witnesses are. Remember now, you have the right to visit these sights, as you are, so don't back down.

    When you have completed this, then I might believe that you do things as you choose and are not influenced by men. Until then, you are hiding your involvement here because you are afraid of what these same men can do to you and your family.

    If, by chance, you are stuck in a religion that you really don't believe, but must stay in for fear of losing your wife and kids, then just say so and you will get a much better reception here. We all understand that situation pretty well.

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