I told my parents I no longer believe the Watchtower Society

by B_Deserter 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • juni

    That will be interesting to see what they say. I also took that crappy badge off. Actually I didn't wear it much cause I didn't want my kids when they sat on my lap to get jabbed w/the pin.

  • Cordelia

    dont get this of course you cant wear tshirt and jeans to the convention or is it different in america????

    as for standing up to your fa,mily i feel for you. so much, i'm having a hard time at the mo, and they really do veiw it as your life if your not going, i got dfed and reinstated for my family, so i'd say the 'fade' is always the way to go,

    good luck,

  • jgnat
    dont get this of course you cant wear tshirt and jeans to the convention or is it different in america????

    Cordelia, they are instructing conventioneers how to dress when OUTSIDE the convention. You know, the time when they are supposed to relax and display their True Christian Charity (tm).

    I think Gumby should wear some Slogan Clothing underneath his dress shirt, just like Superman. Slogan Clothing was roundly condemned at last year's assembly.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear B Deserter,

    WELCOME to the forum!!! We are glad you found this site, as it may prove to be vcery helpful for information, and also as a support system as you begin your journey out! I agree with you. I think you are fine as long as you do not express your true feelings about the organization. We look forward to hearing more from you!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Regretful J

    WELCOME to the FORUM!!!! We are gald to have you here as well!!


    Lady Liberty

  • carla

    What's with the lady with black stockings? I thought they were considered too sexy?

  • spamos

    Ha ha im sorry but i cannot believe the gall of the wts, how dare they tell you what to wear, theyre so sly at it as well a little bit at a time, some suckers will listen to it as well, parents will talk themselves around it and make it feel its the right thing to do, because if its come from the society then its come from jehovah, HA WHATEVA, maybe they should build housin estates for them selves with gates all around and have signs every where remindin you of your christian duties and dignity, maybe thats a later plan eh IM SO GLAD IM NOT A JW NE MORE !!

    But i'd do wot your doin and just pretend your interested, then go and get sh**faced wiv some worldly mates and have fun!! wished i'd of done that at the time when i was bein indoctrinated.....;)

  • gumby

    That damn Mary, I've never had so many PM's from women wantin to have my baby since she posted that pic of me. I almost got turned on lookin at myself with those buff leggs. It's a good thing the leaf was there cuz I remember I had shrinkage goin on during the taking of that pic.......it always does that just before I get in a pool or get my pic taken


    .................................carry on with the thread folks

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