Is this the same Jehovah who was going to bring Armageddon in 1874, uhmm, I mean 1914, oops, make that 1925, that is to say, 1975? I noticed that you used at least 13 exclamation points in the title to your post. Is this the secret to being heard by the the gods, ending our prayers with lots of punctuation?
Blessed be the name of Jehovah forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized 44 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't that kind of like an ant telling the other ants that they bless the gigantic humanoid, using their ant communication?
Does the giant humanoid hear the ants, even care about the ants, or even know the ants exist under the human's porch?
Oh right, the human left them an ant-written but giant-inspired book written in ancient ant language.....and the ants are always in fear of being exterminated by the giant....
They try to give gifts, make sacrifices all in vain....praying..where is the giant?...oops, giant just discovered ants....
aka: armegeddon.
poor ants.
LOL! Brilliant! Now theres a good 'witness' to give next time a witless comes to your door...
Um...this topic is a joke, right? I mean, it's a sarcastic little prank?
Oh...and please edit out some of those exclamation points. One would have sufficed. Three is ok, but only if you really, really wanted to over-emphasize your point. However, 13 exclamation points in a row is punctuation abuse.
because you can bless in one hand and shxt in the other and tell me which fills up faster.
Now that's what i call keeping it real jaguar.
Is'nt it amazing we are all insecure .not really we are made in gods image
This guys'jercking your chains
If the name Jehovah is an improper name given to the Almighy God. I guess we could say that Jesus is the improper name for our King and Savior. Also everyone else who's name has been translated would be deemed incorrect.
Maybe I should change my name, but I would not make disrespectful smart comments about other people I don't know over the internet. That would be a sign of cowardness and weakness.
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave HIM the name that is above every name,I see we have gotten some wires crossed here. It sure seems to ME that it is JESUS CHRIST is the one to owe our slavtion to and who shall be praised! (You know...the same one you have your conventions devoted to "honoring" this year)
I sure hope you DON'T GET baptized...the WTS will have then own your soul , your obeisance and your shirt-tails for ever and ever.....
Is dawg right, Unbaptized? Are you just yanking our chain?
You're surely not concerned about the replies you are getting. It must be very gratifying to a JW (if that is what you are) to experience so much "persecution" with so little effort. You did put yourself out there. The elders might just tell you that's just what you get when you place yourself in the midst of a bunch of "apostates" and start something.
As long as things are working for you as a JW, I recommend you stay on the inside for the smugness you embrace and for the security blanket it gives you to carry around. Once you become baptized, don't be surprised if things don't go as well for you.
Wishing you blessings and all good things,
Why this obsession with jehovah, he is the god of the old testament in the new testament the Christ is the central person and direct head and owner of the church. Focusing on jehovah is like being stuck in the old testament days and the mosaic law.