Blessed be the name of Jehovah forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by unbaptized 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Hey unbaptized!

    Jehovah called for you with this message:

    Two things.

    1. When are you finally gonna take the plunge? Get dunked already.

    2. You're not allowed to play with us anymore. We're bad association.

    Hey, don't look at me. I'm just the messenger.

  • bookworm

    I need to contact brothers in china, I will be visiting there and hope to meet some brothers. shawn israels

    [email protected]

  • carla

    Unbaptized is unaware of what the watchtower itself has said about the word 'jehovah' . It is not a translation but a created or made up word and usuage is because of tradition of men. Look up your own literature.

  • unbaptized


    It's made up, just like the names Jesus, Solomon, David, Mary and so on.

  • eclipse


    It's made up, just like the names Jesus, Solomon, David, Mary and so on

    You got it, unbaptized.

  • carla

    Ignorance is bliss I guess. If you were as free as you think you are by being here when the wt clearly says to stay away from sites like these or apostates, you would be free to research for yourself what real scholars and even your own literature has already said on the matter. Challenge yourself and do some real research. If you are claiming as the wt does that one must use this name for their salvation don't you think you should at least make sure of all things? Jw' s like to claim, 'we are the only ones who use the name' and other such ridiculous statements. Yet a simple google search would show this is not true. The jw who truly loved God would not go around calling Him by any old name knowing it is incorrect.Do you like it when people call you by the wrong name? I know with my own father I have a personal relationship with him and would never call him by his first name out of respect for him. I do know a few people who call their dad's by their first name but they don't have a normal relationship with them and don't like them much. jw's are not allowed a personal relationship with God or Jesus so if tomorrow the wt dropped the word jehovah and replaced it with jihivivh all jw's would smile and nod their collective heads and say how wonderful it is. Yes, those 'deeper' things of the bible they like to brag about.

  • zack


    I think you should sell all your belongings and give the proceeds to the WTS. After your check has cleared, knock on 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY and tell the brother behind the quartz reception counter that you are there to do "Jehovah's" will and you will not leave until they at Bethel (House of Jehovah) take you in and make you a member. Then, after their response, praise the "name of Jehovah" all you want, bro.

    Good luck.

    And by the way, since even the Jews after many generations didn't know how to correctly pronounce the divine name, and since taking the divine name in a worthless way (like say, deliberately mispronouncing it like JW's do today) would assure you got a huge rock lodged in your temple, they quit saying the divine name, not out of disrespect or superstition, but out of respect for the 10 commandements. If YHWH struck somone down for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, I guess they figured they weren't going to take any chances with His name, either.

  • nvrgnbk

    Jehovah called again.

    He says if you don't go in right this minute, it's straight bed with no supper.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    hey unbabtized, if you thing Jah is so great and the WBTS is his only earthly organisation why are you unbabtized?

  • jgnat

    Unbaptized probably smokes.

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