Drew, go one step ahead. Send the elders a letter saying that if they announce that your wife is to be DF'd that you will file a libel lawsuit against THEM. They will have to contact HQ, and I can guarentee you that they will drop the charge, since in my opinion, it is a weak one at best. I have NEVER heard of being DF'd for joining the YMCA? WTF?!?!? They must have had a vendeta against both of you. I would call them on it - at the least you defer your wifes DF'ing until legal gets back to them, you may also want to appeal the decision, I believe you have 7 days.
Update! Drew Sagan is no longer a Jehovah's Witness
by drew sagan 74 Replies latest jw friends
Congratulations Drew!
I'm sure it will be an adjustment for you and the wife, but now is the time to start living your life!
We stepped out of the room and they talked for about an hour. I knew she was going to be Df'ed, no doubt about it. We stepped back into the room and heard their decision, and it was to DF. They said the reason was for apostasy, that she was not sorry enough for quitting the YMCA. This led to Elder-A making the comment of the night:
"If you think you can hold on just so you can talk to mommy and daddy think again"What a filthy pig. Well, now that the deed is done and they can't do anything more to you, I'd start getting even with these jerks right away by doing one or more of the following:
- Do a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper describing what happened
- Speak to a lawyer about the possibility of suing these elders for slander. I'd make it quite clear to them that it's not the Organization you're suing----it's them personally which will cost them alot of cha-ching in lawyers fees. And if they think 'mother' would help them out financially, they're dreaming.
- Send a letter around to every single family in the congregation telling them what happened.
There's a few other things I could recommend, but they're probably illegal.
Now there is a man who needs his legs broken.
You're too kind. His back would be a better choice.
JW thinking never ceases to amaze me. Just think, if I had gone to the YMCA in 1994 instead of Ballys I could have been out of the cult so much sooner.
Well Drew, I guess tou're free now to get on with the rest of your life
without having to wonder about a knock on the door being a couple of
elders trying to geat evidence for a jc. I can imagine you're glad it's over
and done with, I know I was when I da'd.As for this comment to your wife
"If you think you can hold on just so you can talk to mommy and daddy think again"
What a piece of work this guy must be! I'm not violent, but I kind of wish
he was in punching range right now.Can't you just feel the love?
Many JC elders want to do what is right, but they often feel like they have to promote the
company policy that somebody who doesn't attend many meetings or get out in literature
sales must not be a good JW, so they have say they have failed to apply previous counsel.There is plenty of room in most clearcut cases for them to use a judgement call on how
repentent the person was. WHAT A CROCK. -
"If you think you can hold on just so you can talk to mommy and daddy think again"
Ah yes, another example of the elders following Jesus Christ's example of displaying mercy and compassion when dealing with the downtrodden.
You're a better man than I Drew Sagan, if you were able to maintain your composure after that. I think I would have gone off at that point.
I wish you and your wife the best! May the Lord bless you as you stand up & are counted against bondage ((HUG)
so they wanted to DF you and your wife for being members of the YMCA, but it's OK for the WTBTS to be a member of the UN "just to use the library facilities." Uh-huh. Well, at least you are free of that stupid org. and I hope you and your wife feel that way too - that freedom is better than acceptance in the WTBTS. If she loses contact with relatives because of this, it's a pity, but we'll hope that the relatives will see what a farce the whole thing is.