Unbelievable! I'm just hoping that your wife's parents open their eyes.
Update! Drew Sagan is no longer a Jehovah's Witness
by drew sagan 74 Replies latest jw friends
Drew- Mr. Flipper here. Just remember you have alot of support and friends on this board you have never met. Count me and Mrs. Flipper among them. I was raised in this horseshit religion. Got out 4 years ago. Believe me you're better off. May you and your wife have peace my friend, and if you ever need to e-mail or talk, just let me know. We'll be here. Sincerely, Mr. Flipper and the Mrs.Flipper
Sorry to hear that Drew. ((Hugs)) to your wife. I hope your telepathic powers can be granted an audience with your wife's parents so the blinders on their eyes can be lifted.
When I was disfellowshipped in 1966 for apostasy, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. It was like a load was taken off of me. I have never gone back to Kingdom Hall and don't plan to ever have such intentions. And I am happy, contrary to what the Watchtower Society may claim.
I'm not surprised they moved to DF..by virtue of being your wife and supposedly submissive to her she has shown herself to be a trouble maker and someone they will not want to have around created dissension in the ranks. Similarly I am not surprised in how two faced and unspiritual the deliberations were and I suspect no one here truly is.
Best to both of you, in your new freedom.
drew sagan
We have been giving her parents updates on our situation. There seem to be mixed feelings when it comes to her mother. They are a little less mixed with her father (who is only an unbaptized pub). The Elders handed us a few gems during this meeting that we are going to be sure to bring up.
Thanks for all the great comments everybody! I'm loving the sarcasm. -
I'm almost jealous of you Drew! If it were not for my kids I'd "stir the pot" and let them DF me too.
Drew, you made the best decision for yourself not others.
Yes, you can be df'd for not showing "works befitting repentance." Although no longer smoking, or being part of the YMCA, or committing adultery, if you don't go to meetings and out in service, you do not have the proper works. Now for all the ones that go to meetings and go out in service, who smoke, join the YMCA, commit adultery, etc., and DO NOT GET CAUGHT, everything is fine. Where is the holy spirit finding and rooting out these people? Why when after 20 years of smoking on the sly, a brother gets "caught" do they say the holy spirit revealed it...where was the holy spirit for 20 years.
*** w81 9/1 p. 26 par. 22 Repentance Leading Back to God ***Maybe the sin sprang from ignoring Scriptural counsel. For instance, he might have regularly shared in recreation with worldly workmates, and this unwholesome association led to immorality. So has the erring person ceased that association? (Prov. 13:20; 1 Pet. 4:3, 4) Also, has he put forth effort to meet regularly with God’s people, and has he displayed a heartfelt desire to praise God as a pure worshiper? No one of these ‘fruits’ is the sole criterion for determining that the sinner is repentant. The elders would be concerned that he have wholesome association, attend Christian meetings and be zealous in the field service, for they accept God’s view that there should be "works that befit repentance."
The elders tell each other individually things; but when in the elders' meeting they melt away like the wicked witch of the east when confronted with the flood of personality or implied threats if they do not support the majority. Many an elder has gone into a meeting thinking he had support from two or three elders to find himself swinging in the wind.
Eventually, some can no longer play the game and step down and then some even leave the WTS. You have given this elder an object lesson.
Love, Blondie
Well handled. Best wishes to both of you.