If memory serves me correctly, YMCA is a secular organization for the good of the community, kids have a place to go after school, learn how to swim and learn first-aid in case of drowning, CPR, etc.... Arts and crafts, summer camp for city kids, in total nothing to conflict with JW teachings whatsoever......I dont see Kingdumb Halls organizing any programs whatsoever for their kids needs, as well as working mother assistance, it's all about $$$$$$$ for the Hall and the Borg..........can't even protect kids appropriately from sexual predators posing as "christians".......what a sad commentary....I'm so glad I quit....rocky220
Update! Drew Sagan is no longer a Jehovah's Witness
by drew sagan 74 Replies latest jw friends
Nice avatar! LMAO
You know...? The YMCA might be interested to know the WTS's opinion of them. YMCA members are not True Christians ™ , in fact, they represent & worship... Satan the Devil. And...and the YMCA...is guilty of luring True Christians ™ to their spritual deaths...and...and...breaking up familes by having to be lovingly shunned.
Perhaps the YMCA could amend their contracts & literature to warn lost JW's away [insert JWD link here] from this certain death...and at the same time...be "giving a fine witness ™" *snicker* to the whole world .
Mother Watchtower would be SO proud and deserving of that publicity...
Rabbit (looking up YMCA in the phone book)
sorry dbl post
You forget that he doesn't actually have to get a lawyer, he merely threaten them. The WTS will NOT use its corp lawyers if he stipulates that he is sueing the elders, NOT the WTS, for libel.