I was watching this documentary on the various galaxies and it stated that the universe is still expanding, planets are being created as we speak. It also detailed some of the planets within our solar system and some beyond it and speculated how some were favorable for habitation and that some show evidence of having a water supply. What do you believe about the universe? Obviously, it has been here for billions or trillions of years. Are there life on other planets? What is creating/expanding galaxies now? Is it an intelligent life force? Thoughts?
THE UNIVERSE - What do you now believe about it?
by Black Man 21 Replies latest jw friends
Man, that would just take too long.
It's a big place with lots of possibilities. There is alomst certianly other life out there somewhere. Is the universe intelligent? Well since we are part of the universe I'd say yes. Is it a life force? In so much as we are alive it is a "force" that has generated life, but it as a whole being alive? Probably not.
Looking at pictures like these from the hubble deep field survey they counted over 10,000 galaxies in a tiny portion of the night sky. I wonder who else it taking pictures of the universe and is looking at our galaxy or cluster of galaxies wondering how many civilizations exist in that small patch of the universe.
Alternatively, 42 is just about as good of an answer as any to the question of life, the universe, and everything. :) Edit 42 is the correct number :p -
It's expanding because it is an energy form that has nothing but void before it. Higher energy expands into lower energy (no energy) in order to balance the energy level.
The universe is growing, like a plant. It's becoming more complex and developed. Evolution, you might say. There may be a low level of intelligence in it.
S -
I BELIEVE----------------------------------------------that I'll have another beer.
I love watching programs about outer space, stars, planets, galaxies....all of it.
I dont ever think about it. I guess it would be good to know about. It seems like a big place. I know our space shuttle just orbits around the earth not very high. And their is controversy and doubt as to whether man ever went to the moon. If they did go it seems they took the pictures of the trip on earth in a studio in England where they filmed 2001 a space odesy.
You know, I'm still not sure! I watch the discovery channel, read National Geographic, love anything about science, space, etc....
I'm just not sure what it all means, where it all came from, life, death...... Maybe one day all my questions will be answered!
well, I draw as much comfort from looking at the stars at the dark of the moon, somewhere away from city lights, as I do from looking at mountains or the ocean. I love to go visit somewhere I know I can get in some star-gazing, like Mt. Shasta, or the central California coast, or way out in the desert in Arizona.
That it is wrongly named. It is more likely that we live in a Multiverse.