THE UNIVERSE - What do you now believe about it?

by Black Man 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Caedes
    There are other places with conditons similar to Earth i.e. liquid water, clement temperatures, where biological life exists. This was recognized by the ancient Greeks, even though they did not have the means to visit those places.

    GG, on what evidence do you base these claims? Or are they just your own beliefs?

    And their is controversy and doubt as to whether man ever went to the moon. If they did go it seems they took the pictures of the trip on earth in a studio in England where they filmed 2001 a space odesy

    There may be controversy in conspiracy theorist websites but outside of the lunatic fringes of society there is no doubt whatsoever that America has landed men on the moon, repeatedly. I have no doubt you have read some website that contains all sorts of 'evidence' of the moon landings being faked, all of which are easily refuted. However, since you have no problem believing that the shuttle does orbit the earth then there is some hope for you. The question that you should ask yourself is this, at the time of the moon landings America was in a cold war with Russia who had embarked on their own space program, why would a country who had everything to gain by debunking a faked moon landing and creating a laughing stock of their great rivals, fail to do so? Why would they do that?

    If you genuinely believe it was all faked feel free to present your evidence, I could do with a good laugh.

    The thing that always astounds me is that it is usually Americans that are quickest to attempt to deny their country's greatest technological achievement, unbelievable! Personally I think it is one the high points of the twentieth century and something every American should damn proud of, because there isn't another country in the world that has even attempted to do it, thirty seven years on.

  • Mariusuk.
    because there isn't another country in the world that has even attempted to do it, thirty seven years on.

    That is only because it has been categorically proven once and for all that the Moon is not in fact...........made of cheese

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