As a matter of pattern and principle ALL Kangaroo courts are BAD!
The Kangaroo court system that the WT society is no different to the unprofessional and uneducated manner in which the Hospital Liason committees perform, the Elders 'counselling service' and the Elders 'Marriage Guidance Counselling' Service works.
In all parts of the world, if a person wishes to be a Judge, a Doctor or Medical Practioner, a counsellor or even a Marriage Guidance counsellor, they require years of education and to pass exams and certification. But not so in the membership of the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization.
In the JWs, ruled by the GB of the WTBTS, you can be a humble cleaner, bank clerk, insurance salesman, used car sales man or even a window cleaner and you ARE qualified to wreck the lives of anyone at all who is a baptised member of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization.
No one, no matter who they are should be able to do that.
A Jehovah's Witness can have their entire social support and family network taken away from them simply for disagreeing with a Watchtower article. They could lose their family for smoking, for having got drunk, for accepting a blood transfusion if they were bleeding to death, even for having been raped if the esteemed window cleaner considers they didn't fight their attacker off hard enough!
Where else does such nonsense exist except for extremist, intolerant countries and organizations.
Disfellowshipping is an abuse of power by 'little men' who know no better than to worship a book publishing company.