Ever been lied to by anyone on this forum?

by snarf 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic
    I dont think anyone has ever lied to me, Ive had one poster say something in my topic as in siding with me, and then in a similar topic say the complete opposite, but other than that no lies.

    I've seen this happen before, if it's a case of opinion maybe they just have changed their thoughts/beliefs on things. I know that recently I have rethought some of my personal beliefs.

    Yes I have had that bad experience ....I know I was very hurt when it happened also.... I sent them money at the time also. Many years ago. I dont even remember their names now. But Mary is watching out for me now,,,,, she has forbidden ( otherwise she will D/F me) if I do any more of that with out consulting her first..... I dont want to be D/F by Mary!!!!!! She makes me laugh....

    Mouthy- that's awful! I can't imagine someone taking advantage of you, well I can imagine it because your such a nice person but I can't imagine the kind of person that would do something like that! Good thing Mary is around to keep an eye out for you.

  • jgnat

    A few times, I'm sure. I myself can't carry off more than one persona due to past trauma, much to my family's consternation. This is rather a relief to me though, because it's much less a mental strain to just be myself. All the time.

    If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

    It's easy to misrepresent oneself on the 'net. After all, who is going to check? For some, such games are part of the charm of the internet. I rather, like to seek out the truth in people, and connect in a genuine way. My approach has been hugely successful. Some flesh-and-blood friendships I have started over the 'net are most fulfilling.

    So I guess it's a matter of getting out of the 'net what you want. If you are real with people, you will attract other real people. If you treat it like an entertainment box, your connections will remain shallow.

    See? Not that different from real life.

  • flipper

    Snarf- Mr. Flipper here. Never been lied to as of yet. I think most people have good motives for being on here. I'm usually one to give people the benefit of the doubt, unless of course they act mean or aggressive to me, or intentionally try to decieve me. Pretty easygoing, me and my wife. Sorry that happened to you. Peace my friend you can P.M. us any time. Peace, Mr. Flipper

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    As far as I know, I've never been lied to. I am guilty of stretching the truth just a bit myself though, I forget the thread, but I once stated on here that I was in, or did, "marketing and advertising" work. At the time, I still cared about maintaining a certain degree of secrecy on here. I've decided since that it really doesn't matter, especially since I recently revealed on the tipping thread that I'm a pizza delivery driver. The truth is, the closest I get to "marketing and advertising" is making some extra bucks by going around hanging coupon flyers on people's doorknobs on the days I'm not working as a driver.

  • brinjen

    I don't lie....I've never lied on this forum....I've never ever lied in my entire life....oops OK I'll be serious

    To my knowledge, I've never been lied to here, sorry to hear this happened to you snarf.

  • Mysterious

    Not that I know of. Everyone I have talked to through the forums have been very genuine, honest and caring people via pm, email, IM, etc. Unless someone turned out to be an undercover JW trying to out people I doubt I would care much. Some feel the need to fabricate people or events in order to prevent being outed on the forums.

  • greendawn

    It probably is something rare, up to now I never had any such problems with someone being dishonest to me. But it wouldn't be surprising if every now and then we find individuals that are less than honest.

  • LongHairGal

    Other than keeping your identity anonymous if you are fading, what is there to lie about? I am sure that most of the posts are about things that really happened (with names changed) and people's real opinions.

    If this were an online dating service then I would be skeptical of what I was reading.


  • snarf

    Thank you all for the kind words. I didn't ask the question to humiliate anyone or "get back" at anyone. I understand the reason people keep their identities hidden, what I don't get is the fact that if you really are here to get help and meet new people, then why lie about "you". WHat if you actually chat with soemone you genuinly are interested in having a friendship with...then what? Carry on the lies or tell the truth?

    To the person out there that got me thinking of this post....NO HARD FEELINGS AT ALL, STILL FRIENDS

  • hillary_step


    To the person out there that got me thinking of this post....NO HARD FEELINGS AT ALL, STILL FRIENDS

    Nothing guarantees that warm fuzzy feeling and cements a friendship quite like publicly calling the person a liar.


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